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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023

  • Ah, TFWs. If you go by the news, neither big farms nor Tim Horton’s can survive without them. I’m glad you’re treated well. It pains me to think about how much exploitation is in the industry.

    It’s a dream of mine (and a handful of friends) to start a commune / cooperative farming thing (closer to the hobby side of things) east of Toronto once we pool enough money, so insights into the industry are fascinating to me. And yeah, we know it’s going to be more work and recurring failures than we can possibly imagine (especially to start) but we’re determined and going to be diligent in research and preparation before we jump into it.

  • What’s really cool is seeing actual conversations taking place. I’m actually able to comment here and I’m not immediately being drowned out by being one of ten thousand comments or constant contrarian trolling.

    It has also totally replaced Reddit for me. It reminds me a lot of the old internet and a bit of early Reddit. It’s a really cool experiment, and if it continues as-is I will be thrilled, and if not then I will forever have a sense of pride of what everyone here accomplished. It’s very cool.

  • I am also interested in alternatives as I still use Clockify. But I also need to rant about Clockify: oh my God it is so damn buggy. Whenever I use my VPN on Windows to connect to the office (split routing, so only traffic destined for the office goes over the VPN, not all traffic) Clockify goes in and out of “No internet connection…” for 5-10 seconds. It’s also constantly logging me out, and will sometimes pop up a ton of “new update available” dialogue windows at the same time.

    It also doesn’t have great rounding options. And one of my clients has a tiered billing structure (X dollars up to a certain number of hours, Y dollars for anything over that in the month) which I don’t think I can track in Clockify at all, so I end up doing all of that manually every month.

    I thought about looking for FOSS alternatives but haven’t gotten around to it yet. Also thought about doing my own FOSS thing with a paid hosted / support component, but I don’t have much cross-platform GUI dev experience.

  • Yeah, that lack of startup capital is why I’m not doing it already. A bunch of us are saving to pool money together to self-finance. You can also just start with a couple of nice trailers (which you wouldn’t be able to charge as much for, of course) and gradually work towards full cottages. Some cottages in areas I frequent around here are just trailers and are still going for like $300 CAD a night in the middle of September.

    At least insurance should protect you against total loss?

  • This is a bit of a tangent, but: does it bother you that you’ve never been in love? I suspect if it’s a premise that is popping up in your dreams, and conscious-you has recognised that contrast between dreams and reality, it must.

    I think it’s actually fairly common. You’ve probably had partners you cared very deeply for, but not at an intensity you would consider “in love,” yeah? I don’t think that’s actually a problem and more relationships / marriages are like that than we think. Just two people that care about each other, enjoy each other’s company, get intimate periodically, and are trying to survive this flaming roller coaster of a life we’re all experiencing. That’s why “partner” is an apt term, we’re all just trying to survive (and thrive), not live out a Harlequin romance novel.

    If it works for both of you I wouldn’t fret too much - but I know brains don’t really work that way.

  • Would you really want to prove it? What would that accomplish?

    You’re probably going to be depressed either way: either your parallel life is worse or your parallel life is better. If it’s worse then you have to witness it and (I assume) can’t do anything about it. If it’s better then it’s not really you that gets to enjoy it, and is nothing more than an existential cocktease.

    I guess if you’re really lucky parallel-universe-you might have invented something world-changing and you figure out how it works and bring that information back to your universe. But if it’s anything like most of my dreams it’s mostly just uncanny anxiety-inducing quasi-nightmares.