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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • I mean our computers and phones already do something like this while looking for available WiFi networks, so maybe it wouldn’t be that farfetched. On the other hand, I just got a flashback to Jim Carrey in Batman and… “the box” for some bizarre reason! 😂

    Since I live in a small space and game a lot, I have invested in a gorgeous 4k monitor and honestly love how all my movies look as well as games, so I have zero issues. It would be nice to someday buy a large tv that didn’t constantly search, scan, and update crap I don’t want or need, but I am not holding my breath they will reverse course.

  • Thanks for the kind reply. At this point, being integral or not seems to mean little. This is the third time they have gotten rid of someone and brought in/promoted a “friend” instead. It’s like it’s becoming the personal playground for the person who fired them because it’s easier for her to hire in friends than actually develop some vision for our organization. I had an amazing year last year in terms of my own work, my team’s, and our deliverables, but so did the person she fired. If there is one constant in non-profits it’s that there is often a lack of accountability to otherwise normal hr standards, since all the power is held by one or two people at the most. I could take it to the board, if so inclined to advocate over this, but having been through this before at another place long ago, I know the outcome of that. It’s better to just move on.

  • Stuck in the middle of a drama at work I would rather not know about; leadership fired a manager for apparently personal/favoritism reasons, and now their team left behind is upset - with good reason. As a manager myself, I was pretty shocked that the decision and action was taken in this way, so I am having to deal with the fallout since the staff in that department is coming into mine to seek support they feel they no longer have… I love my own team and what I do, but am starting to really question if I want to be part of a place that treats people like this. For all I know, my own neck could be on the chopping block too and I don’t know about it, any more than the manager they fired knew that was in store for them. Why are people such asshats sometimes, is beyond me.

  • I’ve done a lot of reading since I joined here, and not much replying or posting. What I have noticed is that there does seem to be a certain number of people replying in different threads with similar arguments which end up getting people riled up. I am starting to recognize some of the user names, and I confess that when I see one now I tend to just drop the thread and stop reading.

    I am not suggesting that what you are noticing in only due to that, since obviously there are a ton of people coming and going, but there are definitely “regular players” who seem to not know how to engage in a positive way - no matter what the topic. In some ways, I also think it’s likely to always be an inevitable issue here specifically since Beehaw has made its goals as a site quite clear. I think it just urks some people coming here that this site strives to be a positive, welcoming space and so the idea of compromising that is likely part of the appeal for the behaviour.

  • As young people I think it is really easy to feel like our time now is the worst ever, the most difficult that’s ever been, etc. because it’s all we see or expose ourselves to seeing. The truth is far more complex than that and any glance back at world history can tell you that we are experiencing challenges which happened before in history. While it’s true that things like technology make awareness of these issues more easily accessible, the issues themselves are always the same: racism, intolerance, wars, corruption, abuses, injustice, on and on. The fact that this country is still in its infancy as a world power compared to European nations for example, also makes these issues here even more poignant but, humans being what we are, also clearly inevitable. It is sad, but it is also indicative of opportunities we always have right in front of us every day to try and make things better when and where we can.

    One of the things that helps me maintain this view is my work with older adults (which I have now been doing for decades). When you sit down for example and have a candid, genuine discussion about life, politics in particular, or world views with a person in their 90s who lived through so much of what we only now read about - it puts a lot of this in perspective very, very fast. It is a shame that in this country we often just set aside our elders and completely devalue them (unless we are talking about Native Americans, who most definitely do NOT do that in my experience), because having access to perspectives outside our own generational bubble is really important.

  • I live in the San Francisco Bay area, proverbial tech heaven, and would have to agree here. I mean maybe it is different in other parts of the country, but here your tech degrees as well as experience make massive difference in opportunities and salary offers as it’s an extremely competitive market here. I personally am not tech but have a wide social circle of friends who are and they discuss this often whenever talking about opportunities. Degrees and certification matter.

  • Have read the thread, since I am currently considering replacing my dinosaur Samsung S5. It still works like a charm and I have zero issue with it doing what I need it to do. I long ago unlocked and rooted it. I was starting to feel like replacing it may be wise before it should suddenly not work out of the blue since it’s so old.

    My question is: should I be moving on to iPhone if these sort of issue with newer Androids are going to make them more difficult to use as I want? or do iPhones have the same problems? Forgive my ignorance since I know nothing about iPhones. I am just curious.