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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 13th, 2023


  • Cuba isn’t more free than the USA. You can’t choose your government, your top executive, nor can you suggest changing what kind of Marxist state you want to achieve. Cuba is not free.

    Cuba’s constitution wasn’t created by direcy democracy. Direct democracy would mean ALL Cuban citizens would be part of creating the constitution.

    You seriously need to stop using words like “free” or “democracy” because you keep misusing them. Cuba is neither free or democratic. Being able to vote doesn’t make a state democratic when they can fix the vote like Cuba can.

    Even IF the USA went fascist it would still be freer than almost all socialist nations because the kinds of people attracted to socialism aren’t interested in any opposing views or critiques as you are proving right now.

  • What makes it authoritarian is the fact that you cannot change the structure of government from socialism to a different system if that is what the masses want. Authoritarian states are labeled such due to the structure of their systems.

    No that would not make a government authoritarian as it does not impact the structure of the government.

    No Im not talking about direct democracy because only the Kurds in Syria have anything approaching that.

    When the state decides who can run and who can run in opposition to others that does not permit fair elections as you can easily choose weak opponents for the candidates you want in office. Cuba DOES NOT have free elections or fair elections because of this.

    If you can’t replace the government it is authoritarian. If you can legally fix elections, as Cuba can, you are not democratic.

    There are currently no socialist nations that are not authoritarian. That could change but right now every one is to some extent.

    As an aside you are using a lot if words that you very clearly do not know the meaning of. You can fix that.

  • Do you need me to cite a dictionary for you? Seriously your issues have been regarding definitions of commonly used words in political philosophy.

    If you need sources they are the OED and the original Cuban constitution as well as the most recent constitution of 2019. In those places you will find the meanings of the terms “authoritarianism”, “free and fair elections”, and “democratic”. In the Cuban constitutions you will find the laws regarding eligibility.

    This is not anticommunist shit. These are factual statements regarding Cuba that you would understand if you had any formal education in political philosophy. Im fairly positive you have none given what you have demonstrated here.

  • Yes most of your diet should be plants because you should have more teeth for eating plants than meat (your dental care is bad if this is not true).

    You’ll note that I talk about eating a lot less meat if you choose to eat meat.

    You aren’t designed to rape. Consent as a concept comes about millions of years after the design parts of homo sapiens manifests itself. Don’t be ignorantly hyperbolic.

  • Your source isn’t addressing my claim on any level at all which is biological/anthropological in nature not dietary. You have teeth designed for tearing flesh. You have enzymes to break down said flesh. You are designed to hunt some animals and NOTHING in your source addresses it nor could your source do so with any credibility.

    So your appeal to authority is completely out of place here.

  • Stalin is a really mixed bag. Yes he was responsible for the murder of millions of people and especially towards the end of his life was not working to better the Soviet people, but he’s also one of the few leaders in Russian ir Soviet history that actually tried and succeeding in bringing up the quality of life for the average person in significant ways.

    As a former boss put it “Yeah Stalin killed my uncle for no reason but he’s also why my village had electricity, plumbing, and telephones”