Anti-trans organizations have said that their position against gender affirming care center on “protecting kids.” Now, a Florida judge has allowed them to proceed with their next target: trans adults.

Several weeks ago, a federal judge in Florida halted a ban on gender-affirming care for transgender youth, declaring it likely unconstitutional. Yet, transgender adults were also heavily impacted by the law: 80% of gender-affirming care providers for trans adults in the state were forced to stop. Consequently, many found themselves forced to flee the state, temporarily or permanently, in order to access care. Those forced to stay clung to the hope that the provisions targeting them might also be overruled. However, those hopes suffered a setback when the 11th Circuit Court determined that discriminating against transgender individuals in healthcare would be allowed, at least in the short term. Relying on this verdict, the Florida Judge Monday declined to block the sections affecting trans adult care. Now, the precedent has been set for adult care bans, a stark contradiction to some anti-trans activists’ assurances that their sole aim was to “protect children.”

Earlier this year, Florida passed SB254. The bill did not only prohibit gender-affirming care for transgender youth, but also casted stringent requirements for care on trans adults. Specifically, the laws bars nurse practitioners from administering care and mandates that providers distribute inaccurate medical forms, laden with misleading narratives, suggesting treatments are experimental. This was a substantial change, as the vast amount of trans adult care is provided by nurse practitioners. A representative from a clinic in the state, SPEKTRUM Health, estimated that 80% of such care would be affected. Further, the new informed consent form dictates a pre-requisite of “social support” before a trans individual embarks on care, despite many trans adults losing social support from their families after they transition. Though the initial discussion centered on the effect of the bill on trans youth, trans adults across the state suddenly saw their prescriptions dropped by their providers as a result.

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  • You can’t choose your government, your top executive

    You have more say in your government because the bourgeois media apparatus doesn’t manufacture support for their favorite candidates. All candidates get the same amount of advertising… You also cannot choose your top executive in the US, where the executive holds much more power.

    nor can you suggest changing what kind of Marxist state you want to achieve.

    Source? They’ve agreed that they’re some kind of socialist, Marxists in a political context are all socialists.

    Cuba’s constitution wasn’t created by direcy democracy. Direct democracy would mean ALL Cuban citizens would be part of creating the constitution.

    Look into how it was made. Everyone was given the opportunity to contribute.

    Being able to vote doesn’t make a state democratic when they can fix the vote like Cuba can.

    Again, you still haven’t provided any evidence that they fix votes, and you can’t, because international election observers have looked at their election process and haven’t found any evidence that they fix votes. Not letting fascists run isnt “fixing the vote” it is a democratically agreed upon overton window.

    Even IF the USA went fascist it would still be freer than almost all socialist nations

    The US literally has 100, 000 people in concentration camps and has the largest gross and by capita prison population in the world, which is often used for slave labor. US cops extrajudicially execute 1000 people a year on the conservative side. The US supported apartheid while Cuba sent soldiers to fight against the apartheid government, but yeah, Cuba is the unfree place.

    because the kinds of people attracted to socialism aren’t interested in any opposing views or critiques as you are proving right now.

    “You’re not agreeing with my misinformed and ignorant takes which proves how close minded you are”

    Record scratch, let’s rewind to something

    Even IF the USA went fascist it would still be freer than almost all socialist nations

    Okay, but have you considered:

    olimar-point pikmin-carry-l pit pikmin-carry-r barbara-pit