New thread! Whatcha all playing! I’ve been playing more blasphemous 2. Really really into it 🙏

    1 year ago

    I just played through Baldur’s Gate 1 and 2, and the game is incredibly straight forward until you come across some weird thing that nullifies all of your damage; or AoE stuns your entire party; or requires a +3 weapon in order to land a hit; or de-levels your characters; etc. I don’t think it’s the Infinity Engine to blame so much as the encounter design. It’s been about ten years, but I remember having a much better time with Planescape: Torment.

      1 year ago

      I’m not blaming the Infinity Engine, just the systems that are used in BG, although I have no idea how much comes from the D&D rules, and how much was Bioware. I would have thought all those games use very similar rules, but I don’t really know.

      At least in the first game, I didn’t encounter too many problems. Of course there are a bunch of mages, that just regularly cast Feeblemind or another “stun” on my whole party, but that’s where the brute forcing came into play. I’d either reload a bunch of times, until I got lucky with the rolls, or occasionally split up the party, so just the unimportant characters would get hit, and my main character would clean up the fight. Three fights were a bit harder, so I chugged potions and used buffs (the two demons from the Durlag’s Tower story and the final boss).

      In the mid 2000s I played the beginning of Neverwinter Nights, and remember liking it, but not really anything else about the game. Back then, I definitely didn’t know what D&D was. I always wanted to try it again, but now, after BG, I’d read up about it a bit before I give it a shot.

      Planescape Torment was also something I regularly thought about playing, mainly because I read so much about how you can just talk yourself through most conflicts, so if you play your cards right, you can get away with little fighting. But just like Neverwinter, I’d have to read up on the systems they use before I decide.

      • frog 🐸
        1 year ago

        I would have thought all those games use very similar rules

        They actually don’t! Because each of the D&D games used whichever edition of D&D was current at the time, and the rules of D&D varied a lot between editions. So Baldur’s Gate 1 and 2 used 2nd edition, while Neverwinter Nights uses 3rd edition, and Baldur’s Gate 3 uses 5th edition. So it’s not so much an issue with Bioware or the Infinity Engine, as much as 2nd edition D&D is… not as intuitive as some of the later ones. Just as an example, in 2nd edition a lower armour class (AC) score is better than a higher one: without that knowledge, it’s very easy to use the wrong gear.

        That said, a lot of BG/BG2’s encounters are really, really tough if you’re relying primarily on physical attacks. Having a wizard in the party with the right spells makes a huge difference. While there’s a lot of party configurations that can work, a solid mix would be 3 fighter/ranger/paladin/etc, 1 wizard/arcane spellcaster, 1 cleric/divine spellcaster, and 1 thief.

        With Neverwinter Nights, because it’s based on 3rd edition, if you’ve played either of the Pathfinder games, you’ll find the ruleset pretty similar. Pathfinder as a system forked from D&D 3.5, so while there’s some differences in the finer details, most of it will be very familiar and will largely do what you expect it to.

          1 year ago

          NWN being based on a different D&D edition definitely makes it more appealing, so I’ll try to check it out someday.

          I have the two Owlcat Pathfinder games, but haven’t played them yet, but I’ve heard good things about them (also they have a turn-based mode I think, which is nice).

          I’m going on a rant here, but my biggest gripe with D&D video games, and part of the reason I didn’t really use them in my BGEE playthrough, are the limited spell slots for casters (especially since you fight constantly). In theory (I think) the best way would be to just go all out, each and every fight and just rest afterward to recharge. I think that’s just really dumb. Why even have the limited slots in the first place? BGEE definitely felt like this, since resting is free, only coming with a chance to get ambushed (which you can just save scum, but these small fights aren’t difficult anyway). It’s probably more fun that way as well, since you can actually do stuff, and not just play a really slow hack-and-slash game. BG3 was a bit better, since you get the cantrips, that you can freely use. It incentivized Long Rests anyway because of all the events, but that’s another story. Pillars of Eternity is pretty nice, since it has a bunch of Spells and Abilities, that you can use per Encounter, so you get the fun of actually doing things, but don’t have to constantly worry about the limited slots.

          • frog 🐸
            1 year ago

            Yeah, the limited spell slots are straight up just a mechanic from D&D, so that’s something you’ll find in all CRPGs using 2nd and 3rd edition. It gets easier at higher levels, as you have more spell slots, but in BG at low levels, you do just have to rest often. It is fine to have wizards using, say, a sling for the easy fights and save their spells for when they really need them. If it helps, though, with most quests there’s no actual time pressure, so you can’t fail it if you do have to do one fight, then rest, then the next fight, and rest again. If you like turn-based, BG and BG2 have settings for auto-pausing with each turn, which replicates a turn-based system by allowing you more time to plan out your next move.