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Cake day: June 26th, 2023

  • On our honeymoon, we went to this 5 star place in Scotland so I could “wine and dine” my new wife. I think the meal ended up being $150 back in 2000 so about $260 now. We both had the lamb and vegetables, the lamb was under cooked and the vegetables were practically raw. The dessert, on the other hand, was delicious and we got drunk on a bottle of wine. We had more fun listening to the group of older guys one upping each other with tales of their yachts. They were also very welcoming to a couple of young kids who were clearly in a place far above their income bracket. So, in all, it was crap food but we enjoyed ourselves.

  • On my regular desktop PC? 1.5TB spread between three drives, not using half of it. My NAS has 4TB and I’m using about 80% of it so will need to upgrade that at some point. For a supposed IT professional I really don’t use that much storage.

    Probably another 2TB or so spread among the various servers and Raspberry Pis I have kicking around the place, but none of them are used for anything important.

  • With general anesthesia nothing really, I remember them pushing the meds and a strange sensation as they did so, then the next thing I know I’m being wheeled back to recovery. All times I was still a kid, so may not be the experience an adult has.

    Under twilight sedation I never go completely under and usually remember the whole thing, the last time it happened they said I had an unusually high tolerance to the medication. It was enough to keep me calm, but I was very much alert and so I just asked the surgeon to narrate what he was doing because it was honestly fascinating. All those experiences were for eye surgeries as an adult.

  • It’s Quake II, yes I’m old but they just remastered it and you should check it out. There’s a nice difficulty curve up until the last two levels, which are basically the easiest levels in the entire game. Seriously, the last boss which has been hyped up the entire game just stands in his corner shooting easy to dodge BFGs, and can be killed in about a minute, even faster if you use Quad damage.

  • Whenever my Grandfather, a WWII combat veteran, saw something he didn’t approve of: “The things you see when they don’t let you carry a gun any more…”.

    My other Grandfather didn’t really have any funny phrases, but my Nana when she didn’t approve of something would just use the “Well, that’s a how modern people do things I suppose”. It was really the only complaint she’d make, the only time I ever saw her lose her temper with someone was the day I got into a traffic accident and she had to be physically restrained from going after the driver for hurting her grandchild hahaha (I was the passenger).