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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • ynthrepic@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlplease
    8 days ago

    What do you recommend?

    I want something that I can set up and forget about, that costs a few bucks a month or less, and integrates between all my devices. Security is a given, so let’s assume spyware or not, the data is safe unless I fuck up.

  • ynthrepic@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlplease
    8 days ago

    Fair. I’m not knocking that choice if it’s for you. But it isn’t for most people, especially those who are not at all tech savvy.

    I work in IT, and almost nobody who opted to use external hard drives for backup is ever up to date with their backups.

  • ynthrepic@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlplease
    9 days ago

    Do you have any evidence to support this claim?

    Sounds utterly illegal, and likely to lead to countless lawsuits. They’ve got better phone support than Google, especially when you’re a paying customer, and I’m not expecting one of the biggest corporations on the planet to just up and leave with my data, and I’ve sure as shit never heard of it happening.

    Microsoft products have a bunch of problems I’m happy to moan about, and a UX team that I swear doesn’t even use M$ products, but data security does not seem to be one of them.

  • ynthrepic@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlplease
    9 days ago

    Unpopular opinion: OneDrive automatic integration is amazing. Get a new PC, login, boom. PC at your parents’ house? Boom.

    I tried open source file syncing and it was jank. Everyone making their own cloud is inefficient anyway.

    I just wish windows phone was still a thing and it could all be on the Microsoft account. It remains better value than any other offering.

    That said, if it’s not your thing and you don’t want any of it, I agree there should be a big red “I’ve got this” button if you want to go full manual transmission. Well, windows style, maybe circa Windows 7. Linux is only for those for whom playing with settings is why they computer.

    Also “personalisation” can eat a dick. And stop fucking asking me for feedback. You get 1 star everytime just for asking. I’m done. /rant

  • I’m sorry if you’re having a hard time, but the statistics and the Bills Biden has passed are improvements for many, even if they don’t help you personally.

    Anyway, hopefully we agree we both want Trump gone, and Biden too. Given how terrible Biden was at the debate there’s a good chance now, and that will mean a better chance the democrats defeat Trump.

    Then, the work begins to achieve something even better than what the Democrats have to offer. But it isn’t coming from the right-wing, that’s for sure.

  • Nobody is saying things are fine. They’re just not as bad as they could be, or as bad as might feel to a lot of middle class folks. It’s still very shit for baby though don’t get me wrong.

    Not going to wish violence on Biden - he’s only improved things relative to where they were at the end of Trump’s term. But I do want him to walk off into the sunset away from the presidency.

    Trump on the other hand I agree is living excrement so I’d be quite happy for him to be flushed. I don’t care about revenge though. I just want his stink gone from the world.

  • ynthrepic@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldStay Mad, Tankies
    20 days ago

    The perception is not quite the same as the reality.

    Nevertheless, Trump is doing a better job of fueling this view and promising change, even if it’s all lip service - he doesn’t care because his followers believe everything he says.

    The reality is things are better now than in 2020 for most Americans. Unemployment is very low, and wages are up. Relative to the richest of course things are only getting more distant but again, you want Trump to bring equality? Good luck with that, lol.

  • ynthrepic@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldStay Mad, Tankies
    20 days ago

    The best thing that Biden ever did was just to not be Trump.

    He has done a lot.

    The economy is booming.

    It’s just that he’s simply not Trump.

    I’m not sure you realize just how big of a single issue this is.

    Trump is a psychopathic cult leader running a campaign of lies, defamation, and retribution. He aspires to be the US’s first authoritarian leader, and wants to turn the nation into a nuclear armed Switzerland. He wants to keep inflation high so that corporate America can continue to enrich the few at the expense of the many. He is literally telling business prices will continue to rise, while simultaneously promising the public that he will bring “Biden’s” high prices down. It’s utter madness.

    Because he is “not Trump” could not be a deeper reason to vote for Biden. Especially when not voting or voting for a third party candidate effectively empowers Trump’s campaign and the many more on the right who will always vote for their team no matter what.

  • ynthrepic@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldJenkins.
    1 month ago

    The good news is that if someone went back and changed the past, then events would transpire such that they never had to go back in time for that reason, and so they wouldn’t., i.e. nothing would change. Not unless the whole exercise spins only the time traveler off into their own new universe in which they’re the only one with a memory of this alternative timeline from which they came.

  • Work is fine, if it’s meaningful to you. Consuming is basically everything we do that isn’t “work”. And death is inevitable.

    If we didn’t all have to do soul destroying jobs when we’re young, I think we’d grow up with less of a desire to waste our youths trying to die young taking stupid risks in the name of YOLO or whatever. It also doesn’t help most of us never stop do sounds south destroying jobs.

    But it doesn’t have to be this way. More progressivism is needed to get us toward a post-work future. Check out ‘solar punk’. That’s a future worth wanting.