Onno (VK6FLAB)

Anything and everything Amateur Radio and beyond. Heavily into Open Source and SDR, working on a multi band monitor and transmitter.

#geek #nerd #hamradio VK6FLAB #podcaster #australia #ITProfessional #voiceover #opentowork

  • 5 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 4th, 2024

  • A Statement From Linda Ronstadt

    Sept. II, 2024

    San Francisco

    Donald Trump is holding a rally on Thursday in a rented hall in my hometown, Tucson. I would prefer to ignore that sad fact. But since the building has my name on it. I need to say something.

    It saddens me to see the former President bring his hate show to Tucson, a town with deep Mexican-American roots and a joyful. tolerant spirit.

    I don’t just deplore his toxic politics, his hatred of women. immigrants and people of color, his criminality, dishonesty and ignorance although there’s that.

    For me it comes down to this: In Nogales and across the southern border, the Trump Administration systematically ripped apart migrant families seeking asylum. Family separation made orphans of thousands of little children and babies, and brutalized their desperate mothers and fathers. It remains a humanitarian catastrophe that Physicians for Human Rights said met the criteria for torture.

    There is no forgiving or forgetting the heartbreak he caused.

    Trump first ran for President warning about rapists coming in from Mexico. I’m worried about keeping the rapist out of the White House.

    Linda Ronstadt

    P.S. to J.D. Vance:

    I raised two adopted children in Tucson as a single mom. They are both grown and living in their own houses. I live with a cat. Am I half a childless cat lady because I’m unmarried and didn’t give birth to my kids? Call me what you want, but this cat lady will be voting proudly in November for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.

    Link Ronstadt

  • Multiple camera angles are used for two reasons:

    1. Added visual interest. People tend to want variety and colour and movement offered by different views can provide that. This is the obvious reason it’s being used.
    2. Ability to edit without it being obvious. Often a presenter will require multiple takes to “get it right”. If you edit in the take, the picture “jumps” because humans move around. If you have multiple cameras you can edit and switch cameras without it looking like an edit. If you then also look at a different camera when you make a mistake, you can keep recording and fix it when you edit it together.

  • Onno (VK6FLAB)@lemmy.radiotoLinux@lemmy.mlBeginners Guides
    21 days ago

    My first recommendation is to become familiar with one flavour of Linux. Debian is a solid choice and it will give you a good understanding of how a great many derivatives operate.

    The command line is a tool to get things done, it’s not an end to itself. Some things are easier to do with a GUI, many things are easier to do with the command line interface or CLI.

    Many Linux tools are tiny things that take an input, process it and produce an output. You can string these commands together to achieve things that are complex with a GUI.

    Manipulation of text is a big part of this. Converting things, extracting or filtering data, counting words

    For example, how many times do you use the words “just” and “simply” in the articles you write?

    grep -oiwE "just|simple" *.txt | sort | uniq -c

    That checks all the text files in a directory for the occurrence of either word and shows you how many occurred and what capitalisation they used.

    In other words, learning to use the CLI is about solving problems, one by one, until you don’t have to look things up before you understand why or how it works.