• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • Final Fantasy IX Remaster

    • I’ve never finished FF9 on PS1 (my optical drive died), then I got distracted playing FF9 remaster a few years earlier. Finally decided to stream the game with a guide
    • The battle is slow, even with fast forward, the animation seems to be slower than FF8 or FF7
    • The fast forward in this remaster is not implemented as good as FF8 remaster’s.
      • It’s only either 1x or 4x speed
      • If you started the fast forward and forgot to turn it off before a cutscene, then the cutscene will play at 4x without any way to reset the speed.
    • Despite all that, I am enjoying the game, characters are likable. I’m currently at Disc 2, after the Clerya section

    Resident Evil Remake

    • Again, I’m following a guide to get unlimited rocket launcher. I really dislike that 3 hour time limit. Or maybe I just really dislike time limit in games.
    • I’m not into survival horror, but I enjoy the shooting / action part of Resident Evil
    • So far, not enjoying it, since I’m just kiting zombies, skipping cutscenes, etc. My aim is to get unlimited ammo, then finally play both Chris and Jill sections without the ammo, and in some ways, inventory constraints.

  • I guess the reasoning varies based on regions.

    I assume that in countries in Asia, Africa, or South America, people are wary of the term ‘democracy’ because:

    • democracy can still be full of corruption,
    • democracy when preached by the US, usually means ‘put politicians that allow our corporations to exploit your natural resources’
    • democracy is synonymous with capitalism, politicians are bending over so that corporations can exploit citizens

    I could see why disgruntled people, who see corrupt politicians or exploitative rich people go on scot free, wanted a government that could punish them. But of course anger leads to lack of clarity in making decision, thus they ended up preferring authoritarianism that will eventually backfire and target their own citizens.

    I don’t know how European / North American youngsters feel, but somehow I have a nagging feeling that ISIS has casted a widespread fear that bolstered people’s support of right wing parties.

    • NEO: The World Ends With You

      • I’ve only played TWEWY Final Remix on Switch recently. I find the control frustrating. Docked, it’s barely playable with joycon motion control, while undocked, it’s tiring, and my finger keeps obstructing the screen. The game also keeps interrupting you, very often when you moved between screens, and sometimes just halfway running, someone will just stop what you’re doing halfway for conversation that’s not that essential.

      • Now, this sequel has improved the gameplay part a lot. It still has problem with interruptions. But at least with proper controller support, this game is way better than its predecessor.

    • Immortality

      • This is very slow, not sure if I will eventually enjoy a 10 hour FMV mainly consists of clips not in proper order. Also, I prefer Her Story’s keyword search than this, because now I need to manually scrub the clips to the point of interests. So far I’m not enjoying the story as much, mainly because it’s about acting for now.
      • spoiler

        I know there’s some supernatural stuff in it

      • I can’t help but fantasize, what if the setting is sci-fi mystery, you scrub thru a number of CCTV, interviews, interrogations videos, about some weird alien / sci-fi murder. So far Immortality feels like a slog.

  • Just an update, finished NG++ of Armored Core 6. NG+ is NG but with slight variation of the mission, since there was branching paths. NG++ has way more unique content than NG+, and the end is satisfying. Final boss is tough, I needed a couple of attempts, and finally found my older loadout that works better against the boss.

    I really enjoyed the game, especially since I am having Souls fatigue. Breaking down the game into missions ala Peacewalker makes the game more manageable, and maybe because it focuses so much on loadout, I find the game bit easier / less frustrating than say Elden Ring.

  • I believe from what I read is that some of these driverless car companies in the US are releasing their fleet, flooding the street 24/7. Some of them will take up parking places, cause traffic jam, or just stall in the middle of the road.

    Maybe it’s different in the Europe, where there’s stricter regulation, since from the comments here, many who are okay with driverless car are mostly from European countries. Unless if you own stock in those companies, then there’s incentive caused bias.

    Just like how drugs need to go on multiple clinical trials before going on the mass market, I believe that if you want driverless vehicles, a lot of testing is needed.

    But this is not testing / gathering data phase, Cruise has 300 cars at night, 100 during the day in SF, while Waymo has around 250 cars. Again, this is not testing phase, there’s no driver to safeguard in case things go wrong, these are actual driverless taxi that charges people.

    The main rationale of these companies is not to bring a safer environment with driverless cars, the main rationale is how to get rid of gig workers that causes problems to Uber or Lyft, problems such as demanding living wage, proper employment status, unions, etc.

    If you want to look at a better approach, maybe look at how Singapore is doing it

    • it’s operated by SMRT and SBS bus, which are regulated and owned by government
    • it’s self driving bus
    • “drivers will remain essential to the operation of autonomous vehicles even when these do take off, although their job scope will change”

    So if you wanna support, maybe don’t support what Cruise is doing, but more of what Singapore is doing

    • it’s still highly regulated
    • it’s a bus, it’s a public transportation, so it still helps in tackling climate issues.
    • it’s not being used to fire workers,
    • there’s still failsafe, the drivers are standby, in case the bus goes haywire

  • Tenchu has kind of a weird / tangled development history.

    • It was originally developed by Acquire and published by Sony Music Entertainment.
    • Then Activision bought the rights from SME, and sold it to FromSoft afterwards.
    • FromSoft holds the IP today
      • but out of the 9 games released, they only developed 3 Tenchu games, and 2 of them were PSP ports.
      • so effectively FromSoft have only developed 1 Tenchu game.
    • Tenchu games were mostly developed by Acquire at first, and then K2 LLC
      • Acquire hasn’t done anything with Tenchu IP since 2009, and has been collaborating with other devs, making games like Octopath Traveler and Akiba Beat
      • meanwhile K2 LLC has been acquired by CAPCOM

    I think it’s unlikely that we will get a another Tenchu entry with gameplay similar to older ones anymore.

    If you want games with similar gameplay to Tenchu, then maybe you should watch Acquire’s outputs. They developed games like Kamiwaza and Shinobido that have stealth mechanics.

    Edit: updated for readability

  • sub_o@beehaw.orgtoGaming@beehaw.orgPost your base Core !
    1 year ago


    The image is a screenshot of my AC from Armored Core 6. It’s a reverse jointed AC, with the frame painted in purple and green similar to Evangelion’s Unit 01, while the weapons are painted in red, black, and gold

    Here’s my current build:

    • Unit
      • Right arm: DF-GA-08 HU-BEN Gatling Gun
      • Left arm: Vvc-770LB Laser Blade
      • Right shoulder: Vvc-70VPM (vertical) Plasma Missile Launcher
      • Left shoulder: BML-G1/PO3VTC-08 Vertical Missile Launcher
    • Frame
      • Head: VP-44S
      • Core: EL-TC-10 FIRMEZA
      • Arms: AC-2000 TOOL ARM
      • Legs: RC-2000 SPRING CHICKEN Reverse Joint
    • Inner
      • Booster: FLUEGEL/21Z
      • FCS: FCS-G2/P05
      • Generator: AG-E-013 YABA
    • Expansion
      • Pulse Armor

    Here’s the Share ID on Playstation: ECE34S7T1VW2

    • I stopped playing Time Warpers, it’s an idle FPS game. The game is fun, but sadly there’s not enough interesting progressions to get me thru 500 levels. Most important for me, is that I’ve managed to play the game comfortably with a left-handed trackball (Kensington Expert placed on left hand side), since I’ve shifted from right handed mouse couple of months ago. I rarely play FPS, but the game was easy and comfortable enough that I can enjoy the experience with a trackball.

    • Armored Core 6. The first AC game for me. While I do enjoy the battles, the mech movement can be a bit slippery, I’ve just switched to reverse joint legs, maybe it will feel better. The story is interesting, but I kinda wish the character banters are more like in Ace Combat 7, bit livelier, with character portraits. I’m enjoying the game very much