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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • You are falling for conservative lies. You are regurgitating them to the detriment of those around you. Stop it. You are being either exceedingly ignorant or willfully harmful.

    To spell out the reality of the situation: The North Carolina institutions are not providing surgeries or hormone therapy to prepubescent children, nor is this standard practice in any part of the country.


    At most, prepubescent children transition socially and may receive puberty blockers to ease or prevent serious psychological distress associated with dysphoria, after thorough questioning and therapy. No doctor would ever give a 6 year old AFAB child testosterone, nor estrogen to AMAB. Nor are children being given puberty blockers willy-nilly. It is so fucksake difficult for even adults to be approved for gender diverse care, and you’re out here trying to claim that children are being indoctrinated to think they’re trans and given hormones for, what, fucking fun? Like, holy shit, that’s absolutely unhinged and I cannot possibly believe you are acting in good faith in spreading this complete pile of shit.

  • They’re not being made fun of for being white cishet men. They’re being made fun of for being privileged and whinging about other people now receiving the rights to which they felt they alone were entitled. Being privileged is not something you are born with, it is something granted to you by an unjust society. Crying about others being granted rights as if it will affect them negatively is a choice they are making. This is not about them being cishet white dudes. It is about them choosing to resist progress because it might mean they don’t get treated like the super special kiddies our society has always treated them as.

    That you are equating “haha these privileged people are overreacting to minorities no longer having boots on their necks” with “boo hoo, you’re saying all white cishet dudes are bad” tells me all I need to know. I won’t be able to change your mind, so have fun feeling persecuted 💜

  • You know, I really, really think you’re reading something into this that isn’t there. What, exactly, strikes you as hate here? What in this meme is “demonizing language”? It’s a joke pointing out that privileged people tend to panic and lash out when the people who have historically had fewer privileges than them start receiving help to level the playing field, as if life is some kind of zero-sum game and others being treated better suddenly means they’ll get treated worse. This is a well-recognized truth that applies broadly across privileged populations and has been remarked upon by many people through the years of building civil liberties for minorities of all stripes, and this meme is just poking a bit of fun at it. No one thinks that literally every single cishet white dude is panicking that they’ll be up against the wall if minorities ask to be treated better. I’m really confused at your apparently visceral reaction against this so-called “hate”.

  • See, the problem is that my definition of “don’t disturb” and their definition are very, very different. I don’t disturb them the same way I don’t disturb bees: oh, look, it’s a few feet away, I’ll just stay over here and mind my own business!

    Their definition is: “stay several hundred feet away from me, don’t even look at me, if the air anywhere in my vicinity vibrates as an after effect of you breathing half a mile away I will hunt you the fuck down

    So, like, it’s a fundamental incompatibility. They can’t abide me existing, and I can’t abide them being horrifically aggressive because I dared to exist. Unfortunately for them, I have the advantage of size and tools.