• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • Nah, my parents wouldn’t take me and when I was an adult I didn’t have money/care enough to go find another doctor who I figure also won’t care. I’m also no longer an athlete (because of said ankle, but now I’m just old and lazy) so it’s not a big deal. If it hurts, it hurts.

  • When I was 10 I started having issues with my ankle joint “locking” into place. I wouldn’t be able to bend it forward or back (like you need for a walking motion), and would have to roll it around gently sideways and slowly get a wider and wider ROM in my roll until it popped and I could do a straight back and forth motion and walk normally again. As a young athlete, it was a bitch, because I’d be sprinting down the soccer field and mid stride my ankle would lock and I’d be fucking hobbling. Finally at 13 my parents decided maybe it was an issue worth seeing a doctor for. The orthopedic specialist told me he had no idea what was going on, that puberty does weird things to kids heads and it was all in my imagination. Told me by the time my hormones stabilized it would go away, said just wait til 15 or so, I promise you’ll be fine. I’m in my 30s and the fucking thing locked up as recently as last week, so he’s clearly a genius.

  • FYI GOG lets you decide whether or not to update, and if you update and don’t like the update or it’s buggy you can roll it back. They don’t have as wide a selection as steam, but they have a lot, and they actually have a ton of old games too. I love it for games that I’ve modded and the mods get abandoned, I can play my modded version forever

  • My mom, older genX, was a stay at home mom with a very part time job my whole childhood. She always complained that my dad didn’t do enough to get us more money, but refused to work because she was the woman.

    She also complained to me after I got married that she thought my husband and I would be fun loving people who did fun things, but apparently we had given up just like all the young people. She said it seemed no one young wanted to do anything with our lives anymore, we just worked and stayed at home and were boring people wasting our lives. She said she thought we’d be better but she guessed she was wrong. At the time there were 3 days total a month where my husband and I both had off work, every other day one or both of us were working. We literally didn’t have time to go on vacation or go out to do fun things, we were always working or trying to catch up on errands. Bitch, I have rent to pay, unless you are going to chip in, fuck off, because if you think this is the life I chose think again.

  • I commented that I had switched to Firefox browser from a chromium browser and that I was still using it but really didn’t like it and listed a few reasons why and got more down votes on that single comment than I’d ever gotten total on reddit. The condescending responses were something else. I almost deleted my account, like sorry, I clearly don’t subscribe to the lemmy hive mind, so I don’t belong here. I also don’t have strong feelings about Linux, guess I should get fucked.