• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • I’m running a world where I combined 2 different campaign ideas.

    The first is about being a group of kobolds or other small races that are part or a tribe that is serving under an Ancient Red Dragon.

    The second one is about the end of the world, post-apocalyptic, where the tribe lived 50 years underground and in the meanwhile 50 years of destructions growing smaller and smaller happened, where almost every civilisation fell.

    It’s been going on for over 2 years now. They are now trading mushrooms to a neighboring Ancient Gold Dragon because his daughter loves them (on a lucky die roll) that I called Gigastrax, and where my players immediatly jumper to Gigachad.

  • One day you might get lucky and try this magnificient game. And you will see that most of the times, playing with people acting or being assholes is not fun.

    Everytime someone talks about betrayal between players, I have a weird flashback. Back in high school, we were playing baseball. But there was a new shitty thing assholes did during the game. Basically, if you were on a step after hitting the ball and moving to one of the next steps, you could try to run to the next ANYTIME. Meaning the people trowing the ball also had to check every single person that was on the field to see if they tried to run at any point.

    The reason it makes me think of that is that its not fun to constantly having to watch your back from people that are not supposed to be a threat. How can the pitcher concentrate on throwing the ball if they have to look everywhere all the time ?

    Oh sure, some people could like it, but I could say the same of a sandpaper dildo. Most of the people would prefer to not having to take care of keeping an eye on their supposed allies all the time.

    And this is just ingame. Out of game, you will see the player act as an ass. You will know about them stealing, backstabbing, or going against you even if your character doesnt. And it can be fun, just like a sandpaper dildo can be enjoyable, but not without consent and not most of the time.

  • If it only makes the DM happy, and none of the players, its shouldnt happen no matter what it is. Some players will fuck off, some players will tank it and begrugingly do it to stay at the table. But its never right. Nothing at a table should be fun just for one person if it affects more than themselves.

    As for your question : Why does it bother you so much that DMs who would never run a game for you are running those games a certain way?

    Well, like 95 % of the posts of every forum, its less about the personnal experience and more aboht a discussion around a subject that interests me. What you or other actually do at a table ? Will never affect me. But I like discussing it and bouncing ideas. Since doing this axtually upgraded my own table throught time.

    For example, I added new rules that are straight from a video of XP to level 3. They give my players more options and if I never went outside my bubble to check and discuss or examine what others did, and most importantly WHY, my own table would be lesser.

    One of the things I learned the hard way was what I told you : if you as the DM do something at your table and it only makes you happy, don’t do it. Because its selfish of you even if you are putting work in, even if you are the one working the most on the table.

    Im also a dad. Im doing lots of stuff for my kid. It doesnt give me the right later to force him into servitude because I did so much for my boi.

    A DM shouldnt force bad things on their players against their fun because he works so much.