Quite possibly a luddite.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • While Gecko should absolutely be made available for iPhone, it’s worth noting there’s nothing wrong with WebKit per se. It’s open source (forked from KHTML), servers as the base for among others the GNOME Web browser, and is not a monopoly player (outside of iPhones).

    In some messed up way, Apple’s WebKit insistance has helped competition in the browser market by making sure there’s at least one popular platform where Blink is not dominating…

  • I guess there’s also a democratic argument here - the judicial branch is not accountable to the people directly but merely to the laws stemming from the people, so a deontological approach to upholding these laws is basically the basis of their democratic legitimacy. When they start making consequentialist or utilitarianist arguments it basically means they’re engaged in judicial activism, which is often seen as a bad thing - that’s not what the role of judges is traditionally supposed to be.

    For the other branches it’s much more complicated, as they’re supposed to represent the people more directly. They don’t choose their moral code - the public does when it votes for them.

    I just got home, it’s Friday night here and I’m a little drunk, so I don’t know if that makes sense haha. It’s an interesting question.

  • I think the point isn’t to say Valve’s help isn’t appreciated, but to give a little reminder to share some gratefulness with the amazing people developing Wine before Valve got involved as well. It was and is an impressive piece of software in its own right. :)

    That doesn’t mean Valve wasn’t a complete game changer. The fact that they managed to make a handheld Linux gaming device popular among gamers rather than just open source fanatics is impressive as hell, and we’re all better off.