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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • This makes me realize that I can’t think of hardly any videogames with a black character at the forefront.

    Sure, there are black playable characters in MOBAs and MMOs, but how many story-driven games have black characters at the forefront?

    The most recent one I can think of is Alan Wake 2. And Spider-Man Miles Morales. But there really are so few compared to those with white main characters. Which is sad.

  • That’s a rare combination to have all in one person.

    It’s also way too much to ask of someone. It’s not fair of you to expect that someone forgoes their own emotional health to take care of yours. A relationship is a transaction, like it or not. There’s push and pull, each person needs to get something positive out of it and if you’re spending so much time telling your partner they’re a bad person, they’re going to leave. Nobody deserves that.

    That’s not to say you don’t deserve love, because you do. But it sounds like there’s a lot of work ahead for you to manage your mental health and get to a place where you can trust someone in the way they should be trusted in a loving relationship.

    Both of these things would seem like obvious things almost anybody could provide, but when I’m crying constantly or trauma is getting triggered multiple times a day, even the best people walk out, or snap.

    This behavior is extremely exhausting for someone to manage. Your partner has their own problems to deal with too. Between work, school, children, planning meals, managing the house, vacations, holidays, healthcare, and many more things, there’s so much work to be done in life. You need to be a productive part of the relationship. Share in the burdens of life to help make them easier on someone, as they do for you, instead of being another chore to deal with.

    My suggestion is to continue spending a lot of time working on yourself. Learn to trust again, learn to love yourself, understand the needs of others, and understand the part you play in a relationship. Nobody is obligated to love you, but (almost) everyone is deserving of love (I say almost because there are insanely cruel people in this world).

    Lastly, ALL OF WHAT I SAID APPLIES TO YOU TOO FROM SOMEONE ELSE. Anything you need from someone is something that someone should be able to provide to you, and vice-versa. Don’t expect anything from anyone that you wouldn’t do yourself, just as they shouldn’t do the same. Find someone who wants to take care of you, the same way that you will take care of them.

  • I’ve been noticing that too recently. I’ve been hooked on the game, but not really in a good way. I’m not having fun, I’m checking boxes for quests or leveling and it scratches an ADHD itch where I can’t get off it until I finish what I’m doing, but there’s always a new thing that I’m doing. They have done a good job singing missions together so that it feels like you’re always doing something.

    But it doesn’t feel fun. They have less than 10 unique buildings to discover throughout the 1000 planets, to the point where I had seen the same two buildings within the first 5 hours of the game. They somehow couldn’t come up with more than 6 different types of plants that repeat across planets. Running to buildings from landing spots is a real bore.

    Progression is a real grind. 32 hours in and I’m only level 22, AND I feel like I don’t have skill points in basically anything compared to how big the skill tree is.

    I’m disappointed in how shallow the game is. 1000 planets wide, an inch deep. I’ll probably finish the main story missions and be done with it.

  • "AI taking over creativity? Seriously? This whole AI hype is just killing the soul of art and expression. Yeah, sure, it can mimic famous artists or churn out music, but it’s like a robot trying to dance - technically perfect but utterly devoid of soul.

    Remember when art was about the struggle, the human experience, and raw emotion? Now it’s all about algorithms and data. We’re trading the genuine human touch for artificial perfection, and it’s a tragedy.

    And don’t even get me started on those algorithms that personalize everything for us. They’ve turned the internet into an echo chamber where we’re only fed what we already like. How are we supposed to discover new and groundbreaking ideas when AI keeps us in this cozy little bubble?

    Sure, AI can assist in some creative tasks, but we’re at risk of losing the very essence of creativity in the process. We need to keep our creative skills sharp, not let AI do all the heavy lifting. Let’s remember that art and creativity are about the human experience, not just the end product."

    —ChatGPT, Just Now, Prompt: “Write a criticism of AI taking over creativity in the style of a Reddit comment”

  • Neither one really has anything to do with the other.

    In fact, I’d say getting rid of phones could help improve motivation because when students are more focused on school, they’re more motivated and perform better.

    This meme was made by a middle schooler who doesn’t understand the higher-level decisions being made by educators.