they/them && ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • I’m alright at written arguments when I can take my time and rewrite and make different multidimensional bullet-point lists and tables, but I can’t organize ideas or comprehend let alone create arguments verbally. This has led me to believe I’m far below average in terms of verbal sparring. Maybe 25th percentile at most.

    I don’t do too wonderful remembering things people are saying either, especially in emotionally charged situations like arguments with loved ones. I have to write things to mention down beforehand and write specific actionable items to consider them resolved. I do well in academic lectures only because I take very good notes (not exhaustive; I paraphrase and use inside jokes to remember). I think I’m far below average there too, so for auditory processing maybe. I do my best to practice this by listening to podcasts and YouTubers without subtitles. I often have to rewind 5 or 10 seconds, but I’m getting better, I think. I’m probably around 40th percentile here.

    I think I’m better than average at putting ideas into words, maybe 60th or 70th percentile. Unfortunately, that skill is made obsolete by ChatGPT and similar. (I’m not an “AI” evangelist; I just recognize that it is better than me at the common task of using English grammar patterns to make something that sounds plausible out of a list of bullet points and fragmented ideas.)

    I think I’m maybe better than average at using search engines and reading manuals to figure out how things work. I learned everything I know about credit cards, CDs, stocks, 401ks, and Roth IRAs from various sources on the interwebs as well as from reading the fine print on the contracts I signed. Maybe 70th percentile.

    As a bonus, I’m pretty good at inventing harmony lines to songs. That comes in helpful for songs I cover/write.

  • Disclaimer: I make curry from premade pastes and blocks, not from scratch. I don’t love cooking that much, haha.

    For Japanese curry from curry blocks: Boil hard vegetables and meat in water until they’re mostly cooked, then stir in some curry blocks and make them dissolve in the hot water. Add soft vegetables. Adjust thickness and saltiness. Done.

    For Thai curry from curry paste: Boil hard vegetables and meat in some coconut milk until mostly cooked, then mix in some curry paste and the rest of the coconut milk. Add soft vegetables. Adjust spiciness. Done.

    Hard vegetables (vegetables that are hard to overcook):

    • potato
    • onion
    • carrot
    • mushroom

    Soft vegetables:

    • zucchini
    • broccoli
    • cauliflower