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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Good explanation.

    This has the interesting implication that the relative speed between the portals is “added” to whatever goes through it.

    Example: the blue portal is on a train running with the same speed in opposite direction. The people-bundle would instantaneously be accelerated to twice the speed of each of the trains. (This becomes a real headscratcher if you were able to put the portals in a particle accelerator)

  • Thanks for the correction - This still needs clarification though. I’d argue that calling it “government funded” is the better mental model and “financed by the audience it is answerable to” is giving the false impression that the audience has any influence on what they are paying for and consuming - AFAIK they don’t

    The BBC is publicly funded, yes. The fee is however set by the government and accepted by the parliament, in which ususally the ruling coalition (or party) holds the majority, so its effectively set by the ruling party. This does make it technically different from direct state funding but de-facto the gov still has controll over the amount of funding the BBC will receive.

    So while the audience pays directly it does not have the ability to pull or increase funding in approval or disapproval but the government does.

    Like you said nominally the BBC is answerable to the audience, de-facto it is answerable to the government only.

    Other publicly funded broadcasters have a different system, in Germany for example the federal states decide on the licence fee.

    However de-facto this doesn’t change anything. Its common knowledge in Germany that the publicly funded broadcasters are quite state affiliated, there have been a couple of court rulings confirming that.

    So yeah for a bigger picture looking at funding only isn’t sufficient

  • Its good to be dubious. Its also good to include them to get a different bias into the mix. Only consuming media of the same bias will leave you ignorant without you knowing it, thats the believe I’ve come to adopt.

    And you only realize which part of the bias is shared across a lot of media when you read media from outside the bubble. And a lot are within the bubble. To quote wikipedia:

    progressively fewer individuals or organizations control increasing shares of the mass media.

    There is enough reason to be dubious about all mass media. BBC is founded and owned by the UK government and many other publications by a billionaire family.

    Previously I had thought media literacy was about chosing “reliable” sources but nowadays I believe its more about reading many of different biases and being dubious of all until their bias emerges.

    IDK if that resonates with you at all or not. But I can also recommend Noam Chomskys “Manufacturing Consent”, its a classic ofc.

  • Dude, take a break!

    I mean I completely disagree with you, but this thread can’t be healthy for you. What purpose is it serving to get enraged here?

    I’d say take a breather and if you dare: ask yourself how reliable your impression of China really is, maybe research some older claims that have been proven to be misrepresented or false, like this for example. Not saying you have to become a fan, but there seems to be a propaganda effort to prepare the public for a economic/military war with China. So more people need to be sceptical.

    You seem to haven’t accepted it yet, but the capitalist class, through the means of communication they control, construct most impressions you have of foreign countries (without them being able to interject) and facts are negligable as they have been in the news-medias support of every US war effort in history as well.

    I got a little carried away, but I meant it in good faith, you decided to wear a badge of socialism after all.

    What you do is obviously up to you!

  • With all due respect some parts are crudely wrong and some absurd, and the decisiveness with which you state it is unjustified and makes it hard to take you seriously.

    USSR ostensibly got rid of personal property

    Absolutely not. They got rid of private property. Personal property means the ownership over your personal belongings. Private property is the ownership of non-governmental entities. What existed in the USSR was public property - the property of the state

    USSR was state-capitalist

    Also: No. Capitalism is defined by the existence of private property, concretely the private ownership of the means of production. There was no private property.

    There also were no competitive markets, no “free” price systems nor a ubiquitous profit motive, no finance capital and certainly more characteristics of capitalism.

    You can’t call the USSR capitalist in any capacity, that would be ignorant, the best label to assign it I’ve heard is: “state-socialist”.

    Both countries lied to the people to get a socialist revolution started

    Where is that from? NED weekly magazine?;)

    The USSR did fail the people in many regards, sometimes criminally so, and its important to learn from them, but for that to happen we must undertake a serious attempt at understanding them. There is a lot of neoliberal propaganda (“history is written by the winners” etc).

    I didn’t talk about China bc calling it capitalist is significantly less absurd but rest assured I don’t subscribe to your statement.

    Obligatory Michael Parenti

    No surprise then that the pure socialists support every revolution except for the ones that succeed

    Its forgivable we have all been molded by the propaganda of out capitalist ruling class, but we can’t be content with that. In the end you seem to be making a nod to communism, if that is true then stay on course we need a better socialism but we can’t expect to have it if we’re not willing to learn

  • psilocybin@discuss.tchncs.detoMemes@lemmy.mlWhich are you?
    1 year ago

    I understand getting tripped up when others chime in with varying intentions. Also my initial comment should have been clearer and did leave more room to read a pedophilia accusation into it than I intended.

    I can see that you argue in good faith and I apologize for some reddit impulses that I haven’t unlearned yet.

    Personally I don’t see the equation of leftism with defending CP in OPs post though.

    The way I read it OP groups “meat-eaters” into categories with each being a drastic exaggeration (the “lvl 5 bloodmouth” is a straight up cannibal) so I think none of this can be taken seriously.

    One “group” is the The “Leftist” meat eater. I expand the quotes to something like The pseudo-leftist meat eater who is then represented by Vaush. To me this is basically a 1 person group that might as well just be called “Vaush” but calling him The pseudo Leftist is just one more swing at him.

    I am definitely both a leftist and not a vegan and I don’t mind the post in fact I found it quite funny (but obviously very few ppl agree). I agree though that slapping the CP stuff under Vaushs pic is unfair to him, as some people will take it seriously, I have to say that humor was also not lost on me though