Verse ancap Brazilian doomer

  • 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023


  • Brazilian here. This a controversial topic, so take what I say as an opinion.

    Although Musk is a man child and a scumbag, he is right on this. He is not refusing to comply with local laws, he is refusing to comply with illegal, monocratic decisions from the supreme court.

    It is not news that the supreme court had given themselves dictator-like powers. In this case, there is no law that mandates that a social network has to have legal representatives in the country, and there is no law that a social network has to censor specific person, unless they are commiting a crime, which of course require a investigation and the due legal process, all steps that the supreme court had ignored. Moreover, the supreme court is not persecution, so they can’t just make this decision without being summoned.

    They’ve been doing that for a while now, in the name of fighting “anti-democratic acts”, which is just a faceless ghost. This is, again, based on no law whatsoever, so the supreme court had taken for themselves persecution and legislative powers, gravely hurting the separation of powers.

    Disclaimer: I’m not right leaning, but I’m as libertarian as one can be

  • Yeah, I’m aware. Monthly (very basic tho) food is $40–$80 (converting from local currency) per person. Rent is $200–300 for a 2 bedroom basic apartment.

    At the same time, “luxury” things are way more expensive here. Smartphones, computers and cars, for instance, are almost 2x the price. Shoes and clothes that are beyond expensive here are normal in the US.

    So our cost of living is way cheaper, but our purchase power is lower still. If you can work remotely, you are paid in dollars, and can travel to the US to buy things, you can live a very comfortable life here with an income that you would struggle in there.

    PS: I’m using $1 = R$5, which is not true, because our currency is dying. Using more updated prices only make the discrepancy even greater

    Edit: weird subscript syntax the tilde

  • Not related, but I find it wild how $11/ hour can be low for someone in a first world country, while that would be life changing for someone in a developing country (I for once make a less than $5/hour, converting from local currency, and that is already relatively high around here, a lot of people make $2/hour)

    I’m not saying that you should be satisfied earning $11/hour, I’m just saying how strange it is that, even earning roughly 5x more, you guys struggle to pay the bills all the same