• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • pinkdrunkenelephants@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlI gotchu
    1 year ago

    You all need to hit up Best Buy then, because you can buy a $200- $300 unlocked phone from which you can, in fact, pop out the battery.

    Please for the love of god, tell me you idiots weren’t signing on to contracts and indebting yourselves to phone companies just to get access to shitty, locked, censored and controlled iPhones or Galaxies.

    Edit: I count 8 idiots. Holy crap, how did you let yourself get schnookered?

  • Here’s the problem: everyone is fundamentally misinterpreting free speech. It doesn’t mean what people think it does: it’s not about stopping government oppression, it’s about enforcing fundamental respect for human beings, which means hate speech is banned regardless – because bigotry and hate speech by its nature censors other human beings, because it creates an environment where people are discredited and shunned by their peers for stupid reasons, denying them their right to be respected and heard. Hate speech isn’t speech, it’s censorship, and needs to be treated as a censoring act and not as speech since it’s not speech, it’s an action done with intent.

    When people adopt that definition of free speech, we can go back to having our cake and eating it too and we’ll start to get back on the right path.

  • 🤔🤔🤔 Okay, now that I am done slapping the shit out of alt-right dipshit .worlders and the other knuckledraggers taking advantage of the situation to bully you, OP, allow me to throw in my two cents.

    How could one set up their life such that it would be impossible for people like that to rob one of their livelihood? How could one make it impossible for others to shun or ostracize them?

    This is the main question and the answer’s honestly pretty simple: achieve financial independence, buy some land and start a farm somewhere, and spend your golden years in peace and watch the sun set with your doggos. Or kitties, if you’re a cat person. Maybe some cows, pigs, sheep and horses too.

    In the meantime, your best tactic, and the one that stands the best chance at getting what you apparently want, to have riches and be well-liked, is to simply force other people to accept you. When people cancel you, they’re doing it to fulfill a goal: to drive you away from the society, and the best way to combat that is to stand your ground and when applicable, fight back. Sue motherfuckers left and right for defamation if they lie and make shit up. Refuse to shut your doors if they try to boycott your business and appeal to members of the other dumb political tribe in your community to drive up sales. Get insurance and build an emergency fund for just such an occasion. And most importantly, be willing to tell people to fuck off when they violate personal and business boundaries, stand your ground and give them a taste of their own medicine whenever you can – record them threatening you or trying to hurt you and post that shit online, be willing to play victim, ally with their enemies, air their dirty laundry, pay off influencers to talk shit about them, and do everything possible to destroy them.

    You want to run businesses. That’s corporations, that’s politics. That means you need to nut the fuck up and get your hands dirty.

    Why even are you trying to start a business? What’s the end goal here?

  • And you’re STILL doing it. And getting defensive because you know you’re wrong and you don’t like being called out on it.

    It’s almost like the way we treat each other as human beings actually matters and you just don’t want to admit it.

    It’s almost like you’re a piece of shit

    Picking fights online about how hard life is and how mean people on the internet is probably just more proof of need for professional help. For you too bud

    Lol yeah, literally everyone else is the problem, it couldn’t possibly just be you and the way you’re treating OP or anything.

    Where did you get your psychology degree at? Your license to practice? Your authority to diagnose anyone with anything?

    👂✋ Oh, where did you say? Your own asshole?

    Sit down and shut the fuck up, troglodyte.

  • 🤣🤣🤣 Leave it to some .world alt-right dipshit to purposefully misconstrue what OP was asking and then beat around a strawman like it’s his second wife.

    Oh, and then your ass wants to assert power over OP with talk like:

    What you want is something you can’t have.

    Sorry to burst your bubble but the sooner you realize this the sooner you can start to chill a little on the worrying.

    As if corporations don’t extensively engage in astroturfing, upvote manufacturing, hiring PR firms and running smear campaigns of their own against anyone who tries to challenge them. As if corporations don’t do what OP is asking for information how to do all the fucking time and you’re just taking advantage of someone upset and panicking so you can feel like you have power over someone.

    Who cares what they think

    Literally everyone else including OP.

    Do you have like severe anxiety of something because this is hardcore catastrophizing. 99% of your fears are baseless.

    Holy shit, you said almost the exact same thing as the other .world redneck cow-fucker I spanked up above. Are you one person harassing OP with alt accounts? Because that’s sure as fuck what it looks like.

    You .worlders are vile, disgusting bigots and you deserve to be DDoSed non-stop. I hope whoever’s doing it breaks into and wipes your stupid-ass instance completely so you are forced to grow the fuck up and stop abusing other people.

  • Oh lol at someone from .world speaking authoritatively on anything. I left your dumbass instance for a reason.

    How could a business owner set up their business so that other people couldn’t simply shut it down on a whim in such a manner?

    you might have anxiety or some sort of fixation on rejection.

    The person you’re responding to isn’t putting OP down.

    Sure looks like a fucking put-down to me.

    Again, you are taking a very valid concern that other people aside from OP have, that has prevented justice on serious issues, that other people in the thread provided evidence for and you’re defending a knuckledragger whose only response was to blame OP and invalidate their emotions by labeling them with a mental disorder they do not have the knowledge or authority to apply.

    And of course your alt-right yee-hawing cousin-fucking ass from the right wing instance is going to defend an action that obscenely and blatantly cruel because you do it to people all the time and you don’t want to admit what you’re doing is wrong.

    Don’t come crying when your ass loses your job because someone purposefully bullied you in public, got you angry enough to yell at them, then recorded you and put the video on Twitter. Which happens to a lot of people. Just tell yourself what your dumb fuck friend told OP, it’s all in your head and you just have anxiety even though it’s clearly other people actively abusing you. See how you feel then, genocidal Nazi