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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • +1 for Genshin. While I think your gacha warning is excellent I do want to point out that the amount of resources you get for getting characters is more than enough to clear all story content. Hell if you’re a good player you could probably clear the whole game without using a single primogem, not even the countless thousands you get along the way.

    And massive is also the understatement of the year. There is voiced content here that dwarfs even whole trilogies. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are more recorded lines than all of Dragon Age and Mass Effect put together. And the story is likely not even at the halfway point yet, there’s still years to go. Closest analogy would probably be SWTOR, the MMO, but with much better combat.

  • I don’t know why the article doesn’t bring up Valve being the company to bring loot boxes and that business model to gaming as the prime example. Valve earns extreme money from the skins market and gambling in CSGO / CS2 since they sell the keys and take a cut of trades as well. They’re far more concerned with money than actually caring for the people involved. Gambling ruins lives and Valve is the gambling company that faces by far the least vitriol in that horrendous crowd.

  • I disagree because the biggest they did and continue to do is loot boxes. I argue that it was Valve that popularized that business model with CSGO and it is the most predatory shit that has ever entered the gaming sphere. It’s a complete cancer and Valves implementation is amongst the worst there is because of their market giving the items easily accessible real money value. This makes it not just like gambling in my extremely firm opinion, it makes it actual gambling. They’re also double dipping with the community market since it also takes a cut from aforementioned gambling. How Valve has escaped the vast majority of loot box hate is completely beyond me. And how they’ve managed to so far avoid a world wide crackdown on the unregulated gambling is also to me mind boggling. I despise Valve for this to the very core of my being because I know first hand how easily that shit can ruin lives and I know people that have got hooked and fucked up their life big time from CS skins. Left at the altar fucked up levels.

  • A million times this. Mag-lev only works for either super dense routes where the added cost as you describe can be displaced by the immense value add of shorter and generally more comfortable travel. Or in nations that can force through decisions from the top down, such that cost becomes almost a non-factor like China. Rail in general across the western world is a weird mix of nationalized and privately owned companies and operators, such that introducing mag-lev with the intent to replace conventional rail would require compensation to the private companies who have invested billions in the current infrastructure else they simply won’t be part of the new one, with all the issues that entail.

    From an environmental standpoint it’s also really hard to see an ROI in scrapping something that works in favor of mining, constructing and spending intense amounts of energy in all forms to build something better but only moderately so. The biggest improvement is moving from trucks to (electric) train for freight, going from electric train to mag-lev is only slightly better so the ROI just won’t be there.

  • I’m placing 0 blame on developers here but it’s just a fact that Intel can’t reasonably optimize the drivers for all games past and present in such a short time. And developers haven’t had access to the card for even remotely long enough for it to be part of the testing for any game (outside small titles maybe but they generally don’t need special treatment driver wise) releasing this year or next. AMD and Nvidia have literal decades of head start. So while I would’ve wanted Intel to do a better job I’m not trivializing the monstrous task either, and all things considered they’ve done OK. Not great, not horrible.

    If it wasn’t clear in the articles you read then those places wanted the clicks and engagement that comes from vaguely implying that Intel is killing their GPU division.

    Falsehood flies, and the Truth comes limping after it - Jonathan Swift

  • That’s a bit disingenuous. It’s Intels own Limited Edition A770 SKU that is discontinued not the A770 as a model. They still ship the chip to AIB makers like ASRock etc. Their second generation, BattleMage, is still on track as well so on the contrary I believe we’ll see much better support for Intel GPUs in the coming years since more game developers will have had adequate time with the hardware. Intels cards are also priced competitively if we’re looking at the entry level cards which is bound to make them end up in many cheaper pre-builts that parents buy for their younger kids. So I expect to be quite commonly used for certain games in the coming years.

  • Related monument / installation:


    While its not all of Human knowledge it’s a very important part of it, our history.

    Ultimately if the goal is for it to survive societal collapse to the point where knowledge gets lost then books are a better bet than any digital storage. As such most large libraries hold the knowledge needed to take us up to the industrial revolution at least. Semiconductors is hard to teach in only text, by that point you really need the ability to produce the machines needed etc. But the underlying theory will be in a library. Also a lot gets proprietary and trade secrets when we get within the last 30 years and that knowledge won’t ever get written down in a central repository until it’s aged out of being protected.

  • Reading the supporting data behind the video all he’s refuting is that it was a conscious genocide. But I don’t think most think of the period as genocide, more as a failure of the economic system. Of planned economy. Much in the same way as the famine under Mao Zedong in China.

    From one of the research papers linked in the video

    "[…] indicate that the famine was real, the result of a failure of economic policy, of the “revolution from above” "

    That excerpt is part of the closing statements.


    I really can’t understand the fascination with Soviet and early communist China. I have very little issue with socialism and Marx & Engels had a lot of interesting ideas but to go from there to idolizing Soviet and China is to me baffling. Cuba I can sort of understand at least.