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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • It’s a question of the most stable thing to use to mediate value for exchange of goods and services, right? Fiat currency is just the choice of “the state” as a stabilizing force. Certainly it’s better than trusting the scarcity of rare metals, but eventually “just trust the state” will become a problem, and we’ll need to think about rebasing currencies. In theory, computational complexity isn’t a bad choice, but nobody has come up with a solution that actually functions well as a currency.

    But I agree, the finite planet has nothing to do with any failings of fiat currencies, and only makes sense as a failing of the “number must go up” mentality endemic to capitalism.

  • Even a database with no licensing fees costs money in terms of wages/salaried employee time to use, so while that cost advantage is real, there are costs on both sides. If MS has products you want to use that are much easier (read: cheaper) to use with their paid database than some free alternative, that’s certainly a good reason to consider it.

    The longer you use it, the less likely it is to pay off, but execs focused on short term profits don’t weigh that very highly.

  • I think the biggest issue is titles; what people expect of mobile games, perpetuating itself into a weak catalog of original titles, with a few good ports. Mobile games are largely designed to be heavily-monitized, Games as a Service, and/or gacha titles… profitable design choices, but not because they make games better.

    Having a more standard control scheme would help get more ports of console games, but I’d love to see more mobile games that use the existing interface/formfactor well. Pokemon Go circa 2018 was a good game that only works on mobile, and I’d love to see more of those.

  • I (mostly) returned to working in the office as soon as I could. For a few months it was great; almost zero traffic, relatively few distractions while I worked, with all of the upsides and few downsides. And I’d see people once in a while, and catch up. It was great. Now with people being expected to come in more, traffic and distractions are way up, fueled in large part by people who would rather be working more from home.