Just some IT guy

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • ho boy, here we go again.

    At this point in time that conflict has been going on for so long, I have no clue anymore who started it. So all I can do is judge both sides by their current actions without historical justification which, to me, results in fanatical religious fascists fighting fanatical religious fascists with neither side caring for civilian casualties. Not exactly a situation in which I’d support any side tbh.

  • pointlessly shut down their nuclear plants

    So you’d rather they instead got another round of fuel rods from the russians? Because afaik swapping out those fuel rods for american designs would not have worked without redesigns of the reactors (not feasible in the time available). Besides, the plants were scheduled to shut down for a while now, some of their safety certifications running out shortly after shutdown due to those plans. Renewing those certifications in time would have been a mammoth task better spent on more renewables.

    There can be a discussion about the order of planned shutdowns here (coal before nuclear) but to argue the plants lifetime should have been emergency extended is pretty delusional. Such a thing was simply not possible given the constraints present.

  • That math doesn’t math. He was directly responsible for 2/3s of it, and the other third he plowed over.

    Read this again:

    You claim I say Rian fucked up the Trilogie, he didn’t. He only fucked up 1/3 of it.

    I’m saying Rian only fucked up 1/3, not JJ.

    Rian’s explanation was fine.

    I sorta disagree. Other possible explanations aside (I dunno, maybe Luke went to undertake a serious ritual and didn’t want to get interrupted unless absolutely necessary) this explanation demands a lot more elaboration. The concept is fine but it would need some more fleshing out (I would prefer a short movie) to pick up the audience. The gaps between Episode 6 Luke, Flashback Luke and Episode 8 Luke are too large to bridge with suspension of disbelief/imagination for some. The trajectory many thought Luke would take does not match what we are shown, which means the audience should be shown a bit more to adjust that trajectory. The audience needs to see Luke drift off first before this transgression, not just told it happened. We do not need to see Luke attack Kylo. We need to see him drift off into intolerance to narrow the gap between Episode 6 and the Flashback. As it stands we see Luke on a trajectory to heroism in Episode 6, then an angry old man in the Flashback and someone who recognized the error of their ways in Episode 8, the difference between Flashback Luke and Episode 8 Luke is fine but the difference between Episode 6 Luke and Flashback Luke is not. His character makes a complete U-Turn in between and we, as the audience, have not a single clue why. It does not match the character we know to such an extreme extent that is completely takes you out of the movie. There was just not enough time in that movie to fit such an Arc for someone who is a Side Character+.

  • Messing up the Sequels was a team effort. JJ’s Setup was shit but Rian’s own writing wasn’t any better. Nothing in JJ’s Setup requires a Bullshit Holdo maneuver, or turning Luke into a character from an alternate Universe. Yes the bag of Mysteries Rian was handed was full of steaming shit but that doesn’t really matter because in the end he decided to add some shit of his own before handing it back to JJ. You claim I say Rian fucked up the Trilogie, he didn’t. He only fucked up 1/3 of it. TLJ however did in retrospect change my view on TFA because, as we agree, JJ’s Mystery boxes turned out to be shit. I don’t claim that Rian fucked that up, he simply tore off the bandaid with his own bad movie. The blame for TFA (and Rise of SkywalkerPalpatine) lays solely with JJ.

    As I said in another comment chain: TLJ was bad, but the hate it gets is overblown.

  • No not really, TLJ on its own sucks. TFA also sucks. Probably even moreso. But when TFA came out it had an advantage that counterweighed a lot of the issues. TLJ did not have that luxury. I think we think of this differently. I have not watched the movies again after their cinematic release so I’m rating them as I experienced them then. If I rewatched these movies now I might agree with you since TFA does not have any “new movie after ages” hype bonus clouding my mind.

    The only thing I’m blaming on TLJ is in hindsight making TFA even worse since its failure turned the first movie into a premonition instead of a weak start.

  • I heavily disagree, that movie disrespected the entire cast if you ask me. There was not a single story thread in TLJ that I found to be even slightly well thought out. Plenty of good ideas but the executions were horribly botched.

    I cannot say anything abput Rise of Skywalker since I haven’t watched it but I don’t think tjat matters for the following. Imo TLJ was not the best movie out of the three, if we look at them in isolation, I could maybe see that being the case. But it isn’t a movie in isolation. It’s a sequel to a movie that already ate up most of the goodwill around. At least personally I was willing to cut TFA a lot of slack since it was the first movie in a good while for the Star Wars Universe. I was not willing to do so for TLJ sonce it was the second movie and they really should have had some idea of what the plan was by then. TFA probably screws over the trilogy harder than TLJ with its plot but TLJ doesn’t get the “Has to restart movie franchise” card that TFA got.

  • I think the hate Last Jedi receives is overblown BUT it was trash. I was semi hopeful after TFA (in hindsight it set the groundwork for a lot of the bad parts) and forgave it some of its flaws due to being the forst movie in a while and having to restart the franchise when it came to theaters but I walked out of TLJ and wanted my time back.

    I think there is a lot of hate for Rey that’s actual misogyny hidden behind the legitimate criticism. But the characters writing doesn’t help that situation. I don’t think any of the other characters are written much better so the fact Rey ends up getting most of the hate boils down to her being a woman and her being the main character (I cannot even guess which of these two weighs more into that equation, which is a shame. Her being female really shouldn’t factor into this). The entire movie just felt very silly to me. It makes for good eye candy but if you think deeper about anything that could be construed as a message in that movie it just falls apart imo.

    Tl;dr: I don’t think it should come as a shock that the movoe got hate, it was pretty bad all things considered, but the amount sure was shocking

  • Christian Sabbath off but not Muslim Jumu’ah

    hear me out: that just might be, really far stretch I know, but it just might be because the western weekend formed out of the Jewish Sabbath, which was adopted by Christianity. However it is not anymore the justification for having it. The only reason Saturday and Sunday are the weekend is because nobody bothered moving the date after the religious meaning was largely lost on the general population. Religion in Europe is in steep decline, unlike in certain other parts of the western world.

    France has a population of ~40% Atheist/Agnostics. If you seriously think Christianity dictates the laws in France you are delusional.