Ein 👍 von mir:

  • Meinung, die ich teile
  • Beiträge, die mehr Aufmerksamkeit verdienen

Weder ein 👍, noch ein 👎 von mir:

  • Andere Meinung
  • Beiträge, die ich uninteressant finde

Ein 👎 von mir:

  • Diskriminierung
  • Trollen
  • Irrationalität + Faktenleugnung
  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Does it matter here? If we’d talk about making BTC the federal currency, I’d agree. But the average person has < 1% of the total welth in Bitcoin and it’s more like a side-by-side thing… The block size is also limiting how much it can be used anyway. So, inflation would highlight that problem… I think, at this point, no one behind Bitcoin is actually aiming to make Bitcoin the single world currency everyone uses exclusively. So, let it be deflational for those who want to put a fraction of their money in a non-inflational currency…

  • That’s true and I remember that it happened once, but was quickly patched.

    I’ll use it as long as I can, because the experience on the actualy UI is really bad IMO. Advertisment for scams, algorithms that help radicalizing you, not being logged in gets punished with repetitive popups, bad performance, lots of bots and trolls in the comments, etc. When reading what I just wrote, I should probably donate more money for the project…