Mom Nom Mom

I am definitely a llama.

🤫 🦙 ¯\_ (ツ) _/¯

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • Maybe use “sucks”? Or “uncool” (“That thing I did was so uncool. It was really sucky.”) would probably be my top suggestions.

    I have seen signs hung around nearby schools trying to get the word “gay” out of common use to mean the same thing that “lame” is used for, but I don’t remember a lot of the things that were on the list. If I find a copy of the sign (or one like it) I’ll add it. (ok, that was 5 years ago, so they may not still be used? … That’s naive, even for me.)

    As someone else said, though, I think it’s used so infrequently to mean “disabled” in modern English, that you probably don’t have to worry about it.

  • In the game Crackdown - you had to increase your agility and strength, and weapons proficiencies to be strong enough to move onto the next area.

    You could get the xp by doing things like killing guys while jumping or whatever, or you could find “agility orbs” at the tops of a lot of buildings (and smokestacks, billboards, factories, etc.) and get extra xp from finding them. As you level up your agility, you can get to taller places. Eventually I’d just climb places because I could not because I saw an orb.

    That and blowing shit up with a rocket launcher, getting a faction really pissed at me, and then quietly leaving the scene after I get ran out of rockets. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • Huh. Well, it was a feature that my parents paid the telco for, so I don’t know how it worked, but it was exactly what it says on the tin: an 800 telephone number that I could use from any phone and call my house phone.

    Pagers were mostly a thing that dealers had so you could buy drugs. My mom got me one because I was always out driving around - sometimes up to 2 hours away on a whim - and she wanted to be able to check on me. We didn’t have a cell phone, so this was the solution for her.

  • It may have been misused at some point, but “baud” was a word long before the internet, and I distinctly remember my modem at the time using the word baud on the box. I was just a teenager, so I’m sure I was missing key information. It was used, tho.

    Here, this is proving us both right:

    If your modem-to-modem connection is at 14400 bps, it’s going to be sending 6 bits per signal transition (or symbol) at 2400 baud. A speed of 28800 bps is obtained by 3200 baud at 9 bits/baud. When people misuse the word baud, they may mean the modem speed (such as 33.6k).

    Kilobaud is definitely a word that means a thing. Baud is a literal unit of measure that uses the metric prefixes.
