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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • As others here have already mentioned the infrastructure costs alone are a huge problem, where I live we are currently just trying to electrify the corridor and it’s not even the entire system, once again the overall rail infrastructure is already there (it’s just electrification) yet this is still going to take a minimum of a decade and the minimum cost is going to be more than $11bn, technically this saves money as you don’t need to buy a new fleet of rolling stock just upgrade the old ones.

    So ya for a maglev you would need a completely different infrastructure and the rolling stock

  • Reading the guardian article I was like meh… some stuff is good and anything is better than nothing but then I read the actual DMA

    “Fines: of up to 10% of the company’s total worldwide annual turnover, or up to 20% in the event of repeated infringements

    Periodic penalty payments: of up to 5% of the average daily turnover

    Remedies: In case of systematic infringements of the DMA obligations by gatekeepers, additional remedies may be imposed on the gatekeepers after a market investigation. Such remedies will need to be proportionate to the offence committed. If necessary and as a last resort option, non-financial remedies can be imposed. These can include behavioural and structural remedies, e.g. the divestiture of (parts of) a business.”

    Fuck ya break up some of these fuckers if they keep breaking the rules and percentages of worldwide turnover? I can only get so errect

    Even though this is EU based, if they actually follow through with the fines and possible breaking companies up I can’t see why the companies would not just make this a worldwide standard… I could be wrong of course cuz corporations are shit

  • This is what happens when people base their entire world and political beliefs on identity, they always have to bring it up lol

    Anyone who identifies as something and bases their entire personality on it is boring as fuck, my personality is all about my sexual interests, my personality is all based on my religion, my skin colour, my favourite beer…. Fucking snooze, 1 dimensional cardboard cutouts

  • Yeah you are right I’m not immune to our biological hardwiring it’s not a me being tough thing however, not everyone is equally affected by it.

    I don’t have social media as I don’t see value in it, also if my comments get downvoted to shit or upvoted I don’t really care because these things aren’t real life to me

    Even in real life if someone praises me for doing a good job it’s a nice thing to do for sure but I don’t actually care about getting praise especially from strangers, if it’s someone I know then sure

  • Only if they are have no self esteem and need validation from strangers, upvotes are mostly fluff, downvotes when not abused are the better way of doing things

    Someone says the earth is flat… downvote, someone says I wonder why they think like that let’s try and understand why they think like that doesn’t deserve a downvote, but with the current online echo chambers on both sides these are how downvotes are used