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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023

  • I’m dubious of faster than life travel being for reasons beyond our understanding of physics. If there were a reasonable way to do so 1 race anywhere in the galaxy could have colonized the entire galaxy or at least a substantial portion thereof in only a few million years. If it is possible it seems to suggest that life is so rare that there are very few forms of higher intelligent life in the galaxy at any given time and probably relatively few ever.

  • Half the population has less than 1000 bucks in savings and doesn’t have a degree like an MD that would bump them to the top of the list as far as citizenship elsewhere. How do you propose people make this happen? The people who are most disadvantaged are those who would have the hardest time doing so.

  • When I worked in the south we had a fellow that decided because he got fired by a black woman that everyone was a racist despite there being zero racial tension in the store other than his personal vendetta. He came back and tried to murder the most patently inoffensive skinny white dude in the the parking lot. He throttled him and was yelling he was an ___ lover because he was friendly with everyone. So its 1AM at Walmart and I go charging across the parking lot with zero plan. I ended up getting his attention then backpedaling at which point his victim had fled and he realized there was nothing else to do and ran off himself. I tried to give the cop the shirt that somehow rednecks feel like they need to shed before they “get physical” with someone and got only an offended look in return. They didn’t even take a statement.

    Same Walmart we had a fellow that was very clearly a recovering addict of some kind who want from hyper religious praise Jeebus to sullen and increasingly angry. He got to the point where he was showing up to get paid but wouldn’t do much work and would ride his bike around the backroom. I remember him becoming convinced we were all Satanic because we were talking about a fantasy setting. He told us we need to find Jesus I quiped “Does he provide an experience bonus” Not long after that we had cops monitoring the exit to ensure nobody got murdered on the way out. I’m not sure exactly what he said when they fired him but I understand threats were made.

    Same store there was the boss who turned on the electic door motor while I was fixing it causing the little hand crank to go flying across the room like a spear.

    Then there was the fellow who would just NOT stop stealing shit like blatantly who was eventually at long last fired for stealing root beer.

  • If you don’t know install a distro and use what comes with it by default and only worry about digging into the plumbing if something doesn’t work for you.

    Ideally you let your distro worry about plumbing.

    I think Mint is nice if you don’t need bleeding edge stuff. You can use Cinnamon which runs x11 but will eventually support Wayland.

    I’ve heard good things about suse which has a rolling release option and supports gnome and KDE under Wayland.

    Arch of course is a thing if you don’t mind a manual transmission as it were.

    Personally I might pick Mint to get started.

  • A few reasons. It’s received wisdom that AMD are the good guys because in the Intel / AMD slog they are the underdogs fighting the good fight and bringing good affordable products to all vs intel who has historically behaved in a sleazy underhanded and anti-competitive fashion and when they bought ATi they moved ATi from a maker of shitty proprietary poorly supported pieces of shit to an open source friendly maker of acceptable GPUS.

    Since Nvidia is the bad guy in that fight it would be handy if Nvidia was also badly supported buggy, inferior. The fact that Nvidia is actually more stable, well supported, and generally better is somewhat a fly in the ointment.

    It’s especially humorous when its coming from users of a permanent beta distro like arch where the kernel update process is that the new kernel is pushed extremely quickly after release. Expert arch users realize that means they are their own QA as far as out of tree modules. Actually stable distros express what is known to work as dependencies such that you trivially get something that is known to work when you press go. They also don’t run the kernel release that was cut this morning.

    Meanwhile users of arch derived distros, who may or may not claim to be running arch while believing their distro is ubuntu with faster updates yell that nvidia is broken when 6.3 doesn’t work the day it was cut with nvidia using a driver that doesn’t claim to support 6.3. The fact that this dependency is known but not encoded into arch packages isn’t an Nvidia problem.

    Even Manjaro a distro run by folks who once told their users to set their clocks back because they forgot to renew their SSL Cert figured out they can avoid almost as much trouble as smart people can avoid by actually reading by just being lazy and not pulling changes instantly.

  • You have a bunch of duplicated stuff because flatpak is a piece of shit. With traditional packaging apps supporting your platform would get exactly one choice. Support the fucking version of nvidia that everyone else gets to or fuck off. In all likelihood all your shit would work work with the most recent release but because they have the option to be lazy fucks and make you download Nvidia 7 times this is your life now. Also if dkms takes appreciable time you either need to stop running Linux on a toaster or delete some of the 17 kernels you are hoarding for some reason. You need like 2 the one that you know works and the new one you just installed.

  • Nearly 1 in 5 drivers or about 42 million people in the US can drive a stick. You have confused your peer group with everyone. Used manual cars are cheaper precisely because they are less in demand and cheaper to maintain to boot. Purportedly quality of automatic varies a lot which older cheaper cars being pretty shit. Remember when people are picking a car not everyone is picking from new mid tier new vehicles or last years models.

  • In the meantime, please always use Autopilot and FSD Beta as intended, which means with your hands on your steering wheels and your eyes on the road.

    This isn’t how people work if you aren’t driving then your reactions will on average be substantially slower than if you were attending to the task directly and you have no reason to expect the sudden death wish. If you have to babysit it with your hands on the wheel poised to avert death at any moment it is fact much worse than nothing.

  • I just passed scale to xrandr after computing the proper scale and then used the nvidia-settings gui to write current configuration to xorg.conf its not incredibly hard basically all you are doing is scaling lower DPI items up to the same resolution as your highest dpi item and letting it scale down the correct physical size. For instance if you have 27’ monitors that are 4K and 1080p you just scale the 1080 ones by 2 if you have a 4k 27 and a 1080 24" its closer to 1.75. The correct ratio can be found with your favorite calculator app.

    You can set this scaling directly in nvidia-settings come to think of it where you set viewport in and viewport out.