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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I found both sides rather aggressive to be honest. The implication that the use of “he” implies that the author assumes every user is male comes with an implied accusation of some form of misogyny.

    No, it didn’t. Go read the PR, it’s extremely polite. I in fact, would challenge you to try and think of a more polite and less accusatory way of bringing up the same issue. I can’t.

    Furthermore, the “generic he” has also been acceptable English for centuries, and has only been starting to be phased out in the past few decades.

    Yeah, you know what else has only been around for the past “few” decades? Literally every single computer and piece of software ever made, you know what literally none of them do? Refer to their users as “he”.

    You want to make it sound like it’s a simple ESL mistake? That’s fine you’re welcome to believe that, but do you know how I respond to translation mistakes when I’m speaking a foreign language? I laugh and say oops, sorry, my mistake I’ll fix that. I don’t say “don’t bring your politics into this”.

    I’m sorry but you are making up a fantasy to try and believe that the author wasn’t being an explicit asshole.

  • Lmao, barely have a conversation? Trump literally can’t even remember what he did or said yesterday, and has literally no plan for actually improving the country in any way shape or form.

    Biden passed the Inflation Reduction Act which actually presents a vision for how to return manufacturing to America and restart it’s economy, while addressing climate change. Trump has no plan to address literally any of that.

    You need to wake up man. They are not even in the same ballpark.

  • No, it’s not a hard decision.

    You’re choosing between two old men, one of whom is an actual politician with a history of accomplishing things and running a country. The other is a mean old pervert who couldn’t run a business without committing fraud. He literally tried to cheat and destroy the system when he lost the first time.

    How the fuck do you think it’s close?

  • For software to run on a computer, it needs to tell the computer what to do, “display this picture of a flower”, “move my character to the left”, “save this poem to a file”.

    And for a bunch of different software to all run on the same machine, they all need to use the same basic set of instructions, this is called the machine’s Instruction Set.

    Because the instruction set has to work for any software, these instructions don’t look that readable to us, instead of “show this flower” they might be “move this bit of memory into the processor”, but software builds up millions of those instructions to eventually display a flower.

    Intel processors used a set of instructions that were called x86, and then when AMD made a rival processor, they made theirs use the same instruction set so that their processors would be compatible with all the software written for Intel processors (and when they needed to move from 32bit instructions to 64bit instructions, they made a new set called x64).

    Meanwhile Apple computers for a long time used processors built by IBM that used IBMs PowerPC instruction set.

    Now many companies are using the ARM instruction set, but ARM is still a private company you have to pay licensing fees to, so RISC-V is rising as a new, truly open source and free to use instruction set.

  • Or is this a battle I can pick to shield my self from ms

    Read the post before coming to the comments to reply.

    OP is asking on here about whether or not to pick this battle and fight his company over it. Yes, you are probably technically correct that a company can’t force you to install an authenticator app on your phone. However, that is a battle that you will have to fight with them that will accomplish essentially nothing if you win.

    In Canada right now there is a major auto manufacturer that is being sued by the union over this very issue. It is a years long legal case that had to be escalated through the union, it’s lawyers ,and now arbitration. Does that not sound like a battle to you?