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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 2nd, 2023

  • linkhidalgogato@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlVote!
    2 days ago

    dude did u even fucking read my comment can u even read, should i even be writing this, i literally said that i dont disagree that the dems are marginally better and that if it made a difference i would vote for them. BUT that doesnt change the fuck that they are both on the same fucking side they both serve capital they both love genocide they both want to murder brown people neither gives a shit about u. 2 fucking things can be true at once and hopefully u arent too fucking brain dead yet to understand that. like holy fuck dude u said the exact same meaningless dribble 3 fucking comments in a row.

    maybe u should stop fucking campaigning for genocide joes sidekick, and start spending ur time doing something that would actually make a difference, maybe (to use ur shit analogy) u should start organizing an anti arsonist watch, instead of going around trying to convince people to vote for the less bad arsonist, like vote for the dems if it matters in ur state but fuck ur time cant possibly be worth so little that u would spend it trying to convince people to vote the dems.

  • linkhidalgogato@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlVote!
    3 days ago

    i could copy my entire last response to u here again and it would be equally valid, because u have said literally nothing that u didnt already say and that i didnt already respond to, to safe myself the annoyance how about u just read it again untill u get it.

  • linkhidalgogato@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlVote!
    3 days ago

    I dont disagree, if voting in amerikkka didnt involve doxing urself and i lived in a state where it made a difference and i had nothing better to do that day i would vote for the dems, but they are both arsonist and both want to burn ur house down, they are on the same side and only disagree in matters of detail.

  • linkhidalgogato@lemmy.mltoComics@lemmy.ml“Communism bad”
    7 days ago

    u can believe the cia on that or u can actually fucking learn how these systems work or worked and what people who lived and live in them think of them, imma put it very plainly the percent of Americans who think amerikkka is a democracy is a LOT lower than Chinese people who think China is a democracy. And that holds true for most capitalist countries and most socialist countries past and present.

  • having a market does not make a country capitalist. And yeah there is corruption as there is in every 3rd world country (and most 1st world countries just in different less noticeable ways), they are certainly doing more about it than most capitalist countries, and all indicators of standard of living are far better than is the vast majority of capitalist countries so i wouldnt call it a shit show, i mean its hard to recover from having just about every fucking building in ur country destroyed and ur forests and farms poisoned and millions murdered and even more displaced only 50 years ago especially when the country that did all that continues to actively try to fuck u over. They are doing well great even.

  • linkhidalgogato@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlCosts Less? When That Happened?
    7 days ago

    apple was never cheaper than their competition, and when IBM got into PCs they were also not even comparable in quality anymore. Reality is that even in the early days apples was also more expensive and they relied on a dedicated fan base to sell their trash, to be fair they sorta earned their reputation in the super early PC space with actually good products but when IBM came in, it had better PCs at lower prices and apple was basically riding on pure brand power. Then they had a few good hits with the ipad and later the iphone (tho the ipad was not as significant at the time as people seem to think it was looking back) and now they have been entirely eclipsed when it comes to phones and are once again reliant on hype and brand recognition.

    It is not a unique history by any means but i feel it is especially egregious considering just how shit apple products are and how expensive they are.

  • linkhidalgogato@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlEvery time
    8 days ago

    except she is for all those things except the last one which is self evident since fascists fucking love the shit out of the free market.

    she is literally a fucking pig

    she is amerikkkan and proud

    literally head pig in california when the pigs where running people over in 2020

    the amerikkkan empire is already so militarized that anything short of trying to scale it back counts

    just because the other ghoul is even more of a fascists doesn’t make her not one.

  • The fact that u would even compare genocide with dismantlement a warmongering genocidal state tells me everything i need to know about u. Fucking liberal moralizers, doesnt give a single shit about literal genocide but when the people being murdered and raped and slaughtered and robed of everything fucking dare to fight back all of the sudden they start pearl clutching about some dead soldiers and the inevitable destruction of an organization whose only purpose is genocide. And u know what gets me the most about u fucking clowns that when its all done and history and its undeniable who was right u pretend like u were on the side of the oppressed all along u would have defended Rhodesia u would have defended apartheid South Africa, u would have defended the British colonies in Kenya and the french colonies in Algeria just like u defend israel today, and u would have said “well the way black people are treated is bad but violence is always wrong” during the American civil rights movement because u are a piece of shit.