lckdscl [they/them]

🄯☭☆ distant blinking star ☆☭🄯

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Sigh…Seems like every time Proton gets criticized, their fanboys always ensure to let you know that you’re somehow wrong. I don’t know how they managed to get recommended by so many people considering they provide unaffordable services for everyone not on a high income. I would try to migrate if I were you, they’re pumping new features constantly despite their users wanting bugfixes and improvements to existing ones to gain more and more ecosystem users. It’s a dark pattern. Look at Google and Apple.

    “Oh, what about the free-tier?” It’s a joke having to use their own clients when powerful open-source ones exist. “Oh, but it’s because of the encryption that’s protecting you!” I know how to use PGP, thanks. Plus, it only works if you’re sending to other Proton accounts, and guess what? I don’t even have control over my own key pair! (Edit: and when migrating away, I can’t even bulk export my emails!)

    Even the comments made by me and Dsklnsadog got vibe-based downvoted because they can’t even bother to come up with a response on why our opinions were wrong. I’m glad I stopped using their services before I sent them any money.

  • Interfacing markdown:

    • Joplin (pretty popular, haven’t used)
    • Standard Notes (same as above)
    • Markor (feature-packed, a bit outdated)
    • BeautyXT (maybe a bit too minimal almost, but gets the job done if you just want text based editing)

    Interfacing orgmode:

    • Orgzly (beautiful simple app that uses a superior syntax when compared to Markdown due to its built-in agenda and to-do structure)

    Syncing flat files (might not be compatible with all of the above)

    • Their own hosted server if available (easy but not private, some provide E2EE)
    • Syncthing (easy and private)
    • WebDav or an SFTP server (hard if self-hosted or otherwise easy through some providers)
    • Termux + a Git server (pain)

  • I’ve been waiting on this issue the day it was posted… It doesn’t bother me as much as I have a second vertical monitor so the flashing is at the edge of the vertical one, and it’s definitely reduced but not gone away. Coupled with these recent driver updates, my X server just gets slower over time (not in game, thankfully).

    Nvidia doesn’t even have to go FOSS, they can just go OS, and this issue could probably be resolved by now due to increased transparency of what the f is going on with the drivers, as well as better collaboration between kernel developers and driver developers. Who knows what they’re attempting behind the curtains, 3+ releases since this bug was filed and still not fixed.

    A genuine fuck you, Nvidia.

  • Just to be clear, what do you mean by Google-affiliated links, anything * ?

    Is your default container the one with the Google cookies? Or is your default one not signed and you have a separate one you have to manually open to access the Google account?

    Regardless, I would do the following:

    • Default container (not signed in to Google)
    • Special container for Google account

    Therefore, any link you click on will go to the default container, and is isolated from the Google containers. If you do want to, say, go to Gmail, then just open a new tab in the special Google container manually. This is easier to set up than the inverse where you have to filter by links. Or, if you only use Gmail signed in, but say, not YouTube, then add a auto redirect rule so that Gmail always open in the special Google container.

    Also look into Temporary containers if you don’t care about cookies and want more isolation on top of the default container.

  • Because of better accessibility. How so?

    Because not everyone has the money to afford these new and expensive laptops designed for a niche market. They are still enthusiast-grade products, the prices speak for themselves.

    Because not everyone comes from Europe / the US, so it’s not easy to find these with affordable shipping.

    Because these laptops are only normally offered new, which, for responsible and personal ownership, is excessive. There are thousands of used hardware lying around, why not put some life back into them instead?

    It comes down to price, availability and ethical concerns. Unless money doesn’t mean anything to you, why do you need a $1000 laptop when someone wants a device for higher education or personal casual use? The world doesn’t need more rampant marketing of niche, hyped-up tech. While a fully-FOSS system may be the ideal machine for every Linux enthusiast, we live in a material world with finite resources and chasing after some unicorn laptop is unsustainable.

  • “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

    But anything that requires configuration…should have a fully functional GUI.

    Does this apply to ones with only 4 or 5 options to configure, where’s the cutoff? Configuration files set the default flags and arguments, and a lot of command line tools that are configurable are small and simple enough that making a GUI just to configure it is not worth the hassle, the increased complexity and codebase size. The idea is that if the software is one or a few executable binar(ies) with enough flexibility, then contributors who’s proficient with GUI toolkits can write the GUI wrapper (as a separate package), otherwise it’s actually just a waste of time for the main dev(s). If that sounds reasonable, then you could write it yourself, pay someone to do it, or wait for someone to volunteer their time.

    To address the problem itself. Maybe you should explain what problems you have with editing the configuration files yourself? I know the cons are: (1) having to know or be able to read toml, yaml, json, ini, or some kind of config syntax (but I think they are designed to be generally quite easy to understand), (2) it takes a bit longer to find and open if you’re not used to it, (3) everything is a file so it’s linear, making it harder to see where things are, so longer configs are a PITA. Good tools I think benefit from a GUI or TUI is TLP, archive managers, calculators, volume controllers, font manager or viewer (kinda obvious), why would you want a GUI to configure, e.g., bat, pacman, i3, dunst, all the xorg stuff like xresources, xmodmap??

    In return, the pros are: (1) if there are no external docs, the docs can stay inside the default or sample configuration in the form of comments, whereas for GUI you can’t possible include this information for every single toggle, (2) it’s harder to version control because of increased abstraction, (3) it’s not possible to translate every configuration field to a GUI if it’s beyond just a toggle, you would still have to type things in.

    I think having an extra GUI wrapper is a matter of complex balance, and made into reality by contributors and volunteers (or eventually, the devs themselves). To say everything should have a FULLY functional GUI if you have to configure it is a bit of an exaggeration and overreach.