• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • This is actually a HUGE factor in human sexual selection. Other primates have visible Estrous cycles. I.e. what people commonly call going into heat.

    This has a big impact on reproductive dynamics. Who mates, when they mate, etc.

    Humans, for whatever reason, do not have a visible indicator of fertility, which provides females more sexual selection options. Because it’s not obvious when they’re in heat, they can choose who they mate with at the right time. They can also socially mate all the time, which can increase human bonding.

  • Things like gapps are closed source, have full permissions, and cannot be installed only on some profiles.

    Except in stock AOSP or grapheneos.

    Agree that qubes is the gold standard. But not to let perfect be the enemy of good, the vast majority of people, the vast majority of people, the VAST majority, are going to be unable to run qubes, either by technical ability, availability of appropriate hardware, or portability reasons.

    Mobile phones for all of their faults, are the most secure piece of general computing hardware most people have in their lives

  • I think lineage is a good operating system for a limited exposure use cases. Like a project phone on a safe network, or as a webcam, or is like a embedded hardware controller. But not on the raw internet, not processing raw internet data, not with open Wi-Fi, not with open Bluetooth.

    Even with all of that, it should still be segmented from the rest of the network

  • You can use a hardware security key, like a yubi key, or a software fido2 equivalent.

    That way it satisfies the two factor requirement, without using a phone number.

    For initial registration you can use an SMS service like SMS pool or the others, you pay a little money, you receive a real text message to a real phone number. You just don’t have access to that number in the future

    Your voice, vocabulary choice, lighting conditions, power interference frequency, can all give away parts of your location and identity. You have to choose what level of paranoia is sufficient

    The most anonymous, would be to have a v-tuber like model, respond and parrot LLM generated voice audio, from a script that’s been translated a few times. Or pay a voice actor from Fiverr to read your script.

    Of course this whole time, using a VPN.