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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • It’s going to turn out that a nation of billions can, surprisingly, figure out how to make chips domestically once it is no longer possible obtain them efficiently from external markets. This might take a few years to ramp up but it will happen and the market will be flooded.

    Most people I’ve talked to on forums like this believe it is impossible for various reasons that center around technical competence.

    I am no lover of Chinese governmental policies but this attitude is both racist and risky. I am old enough to remember people saying Japam was only good at copying Western inventions, for example. I also remember a few years later when everyone wanted to learn to speak Japanese and The Book of Five Rings was the hot CEO book of the month.

    China will figure this out.

  • I have a beloved swatch from the nineties I am trying to expand the band on for my brother (he has MS so I’m trying to help with this as he has a hard time with phone calls, emails, and so on). Even swatch said all they could do was provide a larger band which was the same size (I am out $50 and they are not responding to my emails asking for a refund or replacement).

    I’d love advice on this too!

  • I have signed several of these. If you do it on company time or with company resources, it’s theirs. If you do it on your own time with your own stuff, it’s yours.

    You may or may not be shocked to learn how many “personal projects” get done when people are supposed to be doing the work they get paid for or with resources they are effectively stealing from their employer. This isn’t some evil corporate attempt to steal your brilliant work. They are trying to make sure that when you are at work using their stuff you are doing your actual job.

    If you have your own things you want to pitch as products you will be giving over the rights to that the minute you work on it on company time with company resources.

    If your ideas are good, save money, quit, start a start up, and use your connections to make a good deal with them (sell it to them). Or wait until you are a vested shareholder.

  • As a developer, I am absolutely amazed that any of this (all the software you are using, all of it) even works a little. So: no.

    I independently came up with “federation” (as in thought of it but not exactly this, and was building on others work) as the basis for a masters thesis in the early 2000s but left the program to get a job so never saw it through.

    So, no, I am not annoyed. I am amazed, grateful, impressed, and humbled but I am not annoyed.

  • I mean I was aware of him before 1990 and really could not understand how he was famous or successful. My brother is older than me and Trump came up on the news one day and he said “he’s either a criminal or his bankers are idiots”. We grew up quite a ways from NYC if you’re wondering.

    The older you are the more insane this timeline seems. I knew he’d get elected. Racism and sexism put him over the top. Still felt like I was going crazy watching it.

  • I have been using cartridges lately for my once per night before bed sess. It’s extremely convenient and affordable.

    Here’s the thing. When I use dry herb vaping, I tend to have the same amount every night and it’s fine. I don’t want to get baked, I just want to sleep.

    When I have a cartridge, I end up taking more drags from it. This leads to consuming now which increases your tolerance. It’s just so easy to have a little more. When I use dry herb reloading the vape is just enough effort that I think “I’m good” and wander off to bed. Plus you have ABV to make edibles.

    Edit - no noticeable effect on breathing or whatever that differs from dry herb vaping.

  • I was tested as a kid with a 140 IQ but did my best to get that down to average levels with pot as a teenager. Every report card “… has a lot of potential if they applied themself.”

    Sadly, I didn’t cure cancer. I got really into cooking and then computers, slowly realizing that while I might be smart on those tests, I am not really emotionally intelligent or particularly good at getting my crap together to make things happen.

    Life kind of carried me along. I did lots of cool stuff but made major life decisions on a whim.

    Everything changed when I met my wife (we weren’t married before I met her, that happened later) and combined my abilities with hers. I finally feel like I have a place in the world and know what I’m going to be doing a week, month, or year from now with some certainty. Feels good.