• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • I would like to make a distinction between laziness and executive dysfunction, which can look like laziness at a surface level. It’s very common for people with undiagnosed ADHD to absolutely hate themselves for their inability to willpower themselves out of being lazy.

    ADHD in particular doesn’t just perceive a low emotional return for work invested, it fails to produce the chemicals that give a higher emotional reward in the first place. People with executive dysfunction can’t just convince themselves that the task will feel good once it’s complete, because the brain almost never actually feels good after completing the task. Trying to focus on the good feeling doesn’t work, because there is no good feeling. This is why, for people with more severe ADHD, behavioral/attitude adjustments hardly ever help, and medication is necessary to make the behavioral/attitude adjustment stick.

    Of course ADHD is a spectrum, so everyone’s mileage will vary, each person will have different “tricks” that work for them to hijack their brain. And people with ADHD aren’t the only people who experience executive dysfunction.

  • ADHD meds and therapy. I tried a ton of different methods, but ultimately I was procrastinating for two reasons. 1) my brain finds the things I need to do under stimulating, which feels like pulling teeth, so it looks for stimulation elsewhere and draws me to a different task. ADHD meds give my brain the proper amount of stimulation/reward for doing things that need to be done. 2) for a variety of reasons, I had an underlying current of anxiety around the possibility of failure. Much easier to avoid failure if you avoid ever doing the task. Therapy helps me reason through the anxiety, and realize that I am essentially already failing by not trying, so trying involves a risk of success rather than a risk of failure.

    Edit: I still procrastinate plenty, but significantly less than I used to. It no longer reaches a point of nearly ruining my life, now it is just an average level of procrastination compared to my peers. Instead of avoiding tasks for weeks, months, or years on end, I avoid them for a few hours, maybe days at most (if I have the luxury).

  • I’m trying to have a good faith conversation and you come at me with an ad hominem attack. I would love for it to not be true, I don’t want genocide anywhere, but I believe the evidence of my eyes. I’ve read the entire UN report. Have you?

  • I did read the full thread, I must have misread his comment about a “mistake” though. But once I realized he was a dishonest, untrustworthy “scholar” I completely stopped arguing his point. I even struck my sources from my first comment, as at least the first is based on his “research” and there is no point in arguing about false/nonsensical data.

    You may note that the UN Human Rights report never cites Zenz or any IUD data at all. It comes to the forced birth control and forced sterilization conclusion through other data and interviews. Did you get a chance to read through the UN report?

  • girl@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlFIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!
    1 year ago

    You’re right, a “scholar” who refuses to admit he made a mistake and instead tries to brush it away as not paying close attention to his work (??? that’s worse, not better) should never be considered a legitimate source, so let’s toss him out all together. You should consider being equally critical of your own sources. They are 1) a twitter-like thread which is sourcing 2) Chinese state media, who of course will deny the allegations. The entire rebuttal by the CCP and this person is written in English, everything except the source document itself. This makes it impossible for people who don’t speak Chinese to fact check these numbers themselves, and makes it very easy for the CCP to manipulate data, which it has a history of doing (like with Tiananmen Square).

    I have spent my morning reading the UN Human Rights report “OHCHR Assessment of human rights concerns in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, People’s Republic of China”. I strongly recommend you read it in it’s entirety, though the most relevant section on reproductive rights starts on page 32 (page 34 of the PDF). It concludes that there is credible evidence of forced birth control and forced sterilization, disproportionately impacting Uyghur populations.

    This document does not attempt to define the extensive human rights violations as genocide. However, drawing my own conclusion based on the different types of genocide as defined by the Genocide Convention, it’s genocide.


  • girl@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlFIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!
    1 year ago

    No, they didn’t. Some state department lawyers (so not the CIA, also obligatory FUCK the CIA) were unable to prove intent to eradicate the Uyghur people, but found plenty of evidence of mass imprisonment, torture, forced labor, and forced sterilization. Lemmy comments aren’t international court so I don’t have to prove intent to say that forced sterilization on any level is genocide, which it is according to the Genocide Convention.

    ~The cautious conclusions of State Department lawyers do not constitute a judgment that genocide did not occur in Xinjiang but reflects the difficulties of proving genocide […]~

    ~The Genocide Convention enumerates five categories of genocide, starting with the killing of members of a protected group but also including acts aimed at preventing a victim’s ability to bear children and forcibly separating children from their communities. Critics of the State Department’s legal stance have argued that it has focused too heavily on the first category, mass killing, and not enough on the other categories. In the case of China, these critics note, there is little evidence that it is engaging in mass killings of Uighurs and other minorities, many of whom have been subjected to indoctrination and pressed into forced labor. But evidence that it is carrying out other forms of genocide abounds, Beth Van Schaack, a visiting professor at Stanford Law School’s Center for Human Rights and International Justice, wrote in a recent post on Just Security.~

    ~“For example, the torture, rape and sexual violence committed against Uyghurs likely constitute genocide ‘by causing serious bodily and mental harm’—the second type of genocide recognized by the Convention,” she wrote. “Likewise, the deplorable living conditions of incarcerated Uyghurs may constitute genocide by ‘deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about [their] physical destruction’—the third form of genocide.”~

    ~Source: https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/02/19/china-uighurs-genocide-us-pompeo-blinken/~

    ~Forced sterilization: https://www.bmj.com/content/375/bmj.n3124.full~

    ~China’s own documents provide evidence of forced sterilization (I should’ve led with this one, big ticket item here): https://jamestown.org/program/sterilizations-iuds-and-mandatory-birth-control-the-ccps-campaign-to-suppress-uyghur-birth-rates-in-xinjiang/~

    Please see the below 2 comments for more discussion and better sources.

  • I play the sims sometimes. A few years ago I realized that I only really enjoy it when I have a fully fleshed out story of every sim in the game, their relationships to each other, their personalities, etc. So I began the extensively tedious task of making a save like that. I have an excel file with hundreds of lines of text and several sheets detailing every personality trait, every relationship, their hopes and dreams, their ages so I can age them all up appropriately, and more. I also use it to make sure that I have a balanced amount of traits/goals, since the NPCs as EA made them are almost all identical with very small differences (~60% of them had the “family oriented” trait, and if they had that there was a very high likelihood they had the cheerful trait). I will work on it obsessively for a few weeks at a time then stop for months, repeat 1-3 times a year.