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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Solar is ahead of biomass and while solar and wind is growing, biomass is not. You’re also misreading the graph. Nuclear was never such a huge part of Germany’s energy production and killing nuclear was a 25 year long process, Germany let most of the plants run and just did not build new ones

    While I agree that getting rid of coal first would have been the better strategy, I don’t get this nuclear power fetish and constant bashing of Germany on this while most countries are doing worse than Germany. Nuclear power is extremely expensive, we have as of now no storage solution for nuclear waste in Germany and Germany has no source of nuclear material itself. There are quite a few drawbacks

  • Also black Americans. All in all, only 20% of Americans in general, only about 4% of white Americans and 7% of black Americans are bilingual. Compare this to 84% of Germans for example, a far less diverse country, where 38% speak two languages, 29% three languages, 17% even more than three.

    Also, there probably are people earning a living wage doing freelancing in the US. It’s a joke, a two-liner at that. Of course it’s an oversimplification.

  • There are definitely worse scenarios. The worst I know states that most parts of the world will be uninhabitable by humans and estimate that there will be 1-1.5 billion survivors by the end of the century. So, end of our species? No, just too damn close for comfort.

    Some more context: I couldn’t find the report unfortunately and I don’t know wether it’s a majority opinion in science. The scenario talks about a temperature increase of 7°C and of course it’s a worst-case scenario. However, it’s definitely a possible scenario.

    Edit: found this, definitely a credible scientist.