• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 27th, 2023

  • Don’t ever give out your templates or show your process. If they can hire someone less experienced at a much cheaper rate, they eventually will.

    I think you’re usually legally obligated to. I mean, crappy boss never ask is one thing, but if they inquire how you do your job, which templates you use etc, the employer owns the templates you created during your paid work time on probably the computer which is also the employers property. You don’t have to throw every detail about how you do your job on the table yourself if no-one asks, but if they do you should or they’ld win any legal dispute and you could be fired on bad (financial) terms. Likely whatever you show and explain is still to “complicated” anyhow.

  • If you properly use firefox personalised the way you want it, it gives you shitty unusable websites in Europe too. Banking says no, newspapers being buggy to unreadable with certain script blocking or cookie refusal, disable adblock to continue windows etc, it all exists here too. I always try ff. If really needed I open the shitty site in edge and afterwards return to ff… Also public (tax payer funded!) flemish radio and tv for example is completely unusable in ff with proper settings, works “perfect” in edge or chrome. German and Dutch public TV and radio works fine in ff tho.

  • There’s one good use case for me: produce a bigload of trialcontent in no time for load testing new stuff. “Make 2000 yada yada with column x and z …”. Keeps testing fun and varied while lots of testdata and that it’s all nonsense doesn’t matter.

    I’ve found that testing code or formulas with LLM is a 50/50 now. Very often replying “use function blabla() and such snd so” very detailed instructions while this suggested function just doesn’t exist at all in certain language asked for… it’s still something I’ld try if I’m very stuck tho, never know.

  • i dunno, especially the music is really vast availability of full albums etc. Youtube + ublock is kinda my go to music. Used to search and store gigabytes, but it’s just not the same, not as easy. If youtube dies (ergo: it succeeds in blocking adblocking and third party such as newpipe), i’ll have a hard time finding alternatives tbh, that are just as user friendly.