flan [they/them]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2022


  • i can imagine some kind of LRU cache being reasonably useful for this situation, assuming you have some latency hierarchy. For example if the desktop has an SSD, HDD, and some USB HDDs attached I can imagine you having a smaller cache that keeps more frequently accessed files on the SSD, followed by a bigger one on the internal HDD, and followed again by USB HDDs as the ultimate origin of the data. Or even just have the SSD as cache and everything else is origin. I don’t know if there’s software that would do this kind of thing already though.

    You may want to consider zipping files for transfer though, especially if the transfer protocol is creating new tcp connections for every file.

  • ive definitely gone through boarding using facial recognition before and i never opted in to anything. I assume they either scanned my passport photo on checkin or have access to passport photos from the government.

    Anyway I suppose that’s to say that nothing is truly ours any more, I suppose in some way you can feel fortunate that they at least tried to scam you into it rather than just taking it.

    • Topic of this thread: USA introducing draconian anti-privacy laws
    • Some other person1: Muh China
    • You: China bad
    • Some other person2: Other governments are bad too
    • You: Whataboutism!

    like first of all whataboutism is bullshit, second if you cared at all about “whataboutism” you’d realize that it had already happened and you were participating in it because this fucking thread is about the USA.

    Honestly the thing that kills me most about people calling stuff whataboutism is it’s usually just someone contrasting the same or a similar situation in two countries (like you just did with China), which is absolutely not whataboutism. I hate even talking about this shit because it’s so goddamn stupid and juvenile. I wish that word could be erased.