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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • There’s a bug open for Firefox and you can change VSCode’s behavior by putting this in your keybindings.json:

        "key": "shift+insert",
        "command": "editor.action.selectionClipboardPaste",
        "when": "textInputFocus && !editorReadonly"

    Not sure why either of them are messing with a “standard” shortcut…
    If you want a more system-wide solution there are utilities that let you sync the PRIMARY (on selection) and CLIPBOARD (Ctrl+c) buffers mentioned in the Arch Wiki entry.

    • “Screensaver” isn’t a feature of X - it’s functionality provided by XScreenSaver which uses X mechanisms to detect user inactivity, lock the screen and display an animation.
      Equivalent mechanisms exist in Wayland, but XScreenSaver doesn’t have logic to interact with them. This can be solved by either teaching XScreenSaver how to talk to these new mechanisms (difficult as it was developed for X from the ground up) or implementing something new.
    • Network transparency already exists (and has for some time) in the form of waypipe.
    • xset isn’t a feature of X - it’s a utility to control it. Since Wayland compositors aren’t X, it makes sense for them to be controlled differently.

  • Right so just installed xscreensaver - automatic blanking and locking is indeed broken BUT it does display all the pretty animations just fine! (at least on Sway)
    Don’t really have time to mess around with it but maybe try figuring out which mechanism is used for screen locking in your environment (in Sway’s case it’s swayidle) and get it to start xscreensaver right before calling the real locker program?
    BTW you can get xscreensaver-settings to come up by unsetting the WAYLAND_DISPLAY variable:

    env --unset=WAYLAND_DISPLAY xscreensaver-settings

    Philosophical BS: I don’t think it’s correct to say that Wayland doesn’t support screen savers, but rather that it doesn’t support XScreenSaver, or, more accurately, the mechanisms it uses for screen locking and idle-detection.
    As others have pointed out, equivalent functionality has already been implemented and is used by various screen lockers. What appears to be missing is something to take this functionality, and display an animation instead of just locking the screen.
    I noticed that all of XScreenSaver’s animations are actually separate binaries in /usr/lib/screensaver/ so we basically need a locker that speaks Wayland’s locking protocol, but also takes and runs those binaries in full screen mode.
    Or maybe XScreenSaver’s dev can be convinced to add support once the protocols are stable?

  • Which edition are you trying to install? Are you using an up-to-date ISO?
    I’ve only ever used the business edition, and it’s never given me any trouble.

    1. Head over to the tools section in the megathread at [email protected]
    2. Grab a clean business editon ISO from one of the listed sources.
    3. Create an installation flash drive using rufus.
    4. Make sure all the legacy CSM crap is disabled in BIOS.
    5. Boot off the flash drive and run the installer.
    6. When you get prompted to sign in with a Microsoft account click “Domain join instead” (or something similar).
    7. Create a normal account but leave the password field blank (to avoid having to enter security questions).
    8. After you finish the setup and get into Windows, hit Ctrl+Alt+Delete and set a password.
    9. (optional) Go into settings and either enter your legally obtained key to activate Windows (it should automagically recombobulate itself into a matching editon) or read through the aforementioned tools section for an alternative 🏴‍☠️
    10. ???
    11. PROFIT You’ve installed Windows.

  • Might sound kinda dumb, but try dumping a bucket of (ice) cold water on your head.
    The trick is to dump all the water at once and not gradually to get your body into a “I’m being attacked by lions!” state.
    This is for instant relief. For gradual improvement try increasing your daily water intake - set reminders to drink a glass or two during the day and drink right before going to sleep and right after waking up.
    Source: inherited migraines from my grandma and started getting them regularly around my teens.
    Doing the above has made me nearly migraine-free except for when there’s drastic weather changes (when I get them with auras and everything 😵‍💫).
    Good luck!