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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Older brother… Grew up together, hated him for a long time, perhaps unfairly as mother is really responsible. Kinda fine with him now

    Younger sister. Love her dearly. She’s off keeping her distance from the family and so am I and so we never really talk.

    Younger sister 2. Adores me. Makes bad decisions. All I can do is support her. Love her to bits.

    Younger sister 3. Living the standard good life. She’s fine, doesn’t need anything from me or vice versa.

    Younger brother. We get along great. Reconnected recently. Look forward to seeing him again. We have a lot in common.

    Younger brother 2. We worked together for a few years, weird being his brother and his boss but we’d had so little contact it wasn’t too weird.

    Now I write this down I realise there’s so much story here. Really interesting!

    For reference, I’m in my early 40s and I helped raise most of my siblings to different degrees. Taught them to read, to use the toilet, that our parents are pointless 😁

  • My personal methods for this, may or may not work for others.

    1. don’t take personal responsibility for things you can not personally control. This is the source of despair.

    2. choose where you get your information from carefully. If the source is pushing a particular version of events too strongly they’re trying to get a reaction from you. Drop em.

    3. Getting more than one source prevents being pulled too far in one direction. Having too many causes confusion and uncertainty. Two or three good sources of news is enough.

    4. study history. Read about politics and events throughout all of human history. This gives you context and can be very soothing as you get a perspective broader than any single human life.

    5. focus on yourself and your life. Is that improving? What small steps do you want to take to improve that?

    6. drop the scripts you’re given. You’ve been told what Your life should look like but it’s rarely possible to meet those expectations and the news re-enforces this. Drop the scripts and live your own life based on what is possible and desirable for you.

    There’s probably more I could say here but that feels like the heart of it.

  • It has some unintended and bizarre implications.

    Take the scenario of some guy who goes out dancing, having a great time with their preferred sexual partner on the dance floor. On the way home stops in the park for a wank because they’re single, young, drunk, horny and stupid.

    They get caught, they’re on the sex offenders register and they’re banned from working with children or vulnerable people. And yet they’re not more of a threat than the average person, certainly not a paedophile.

    (If that looks suspiciously specific, it’s not my story 😁)