Bona fide idiot

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • I realised a relationship was doomed when I had a pregnancy scare. I was overjoyed when I got my period, and he told me he was sad. The man already had 3 kids by 3 different women, none of whom he saw, and I was like wtf how does he think I’d have a kid with him?? We broke up not long after. And every time I see him around town I thank my lucky stars I didn’t get stuck with him, as well as embarrassment I was with him in the first place.

  • That doesn’t stop an absolute fuck ton of people believing in it. One of my friends is quite deeply into it, she’s in FB groups about it, and decides what everyone’s type is upon meeting them. According to her I only think it’s nonsense because I’ve only done the free online tests, not the proper one. She wouldn’t listen the other day when I tried to put her right about flouride in the water, either.

  • My heating is set at 21°C (70F) for daytimes and 16°C (61F) for the night time, so it doesn’t come on at all during summer, and a lot of spring (UK). During winter when it gets colder out (like below about 6°C/43F) I will usually need to whack it up by a couple of degrees, or give it a little extra blast in the morning to warm up. Its an old building (late 1800s) and my flat has external walls on three sides, and a cold empty basement below, so it can get quite cold when the outside temperature drops.

    Edited to make it clear i mean my heating thermostat, because I realised most people here are talking about AC and that’s very rare in homes here.