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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2020


  • There’s a concept called “critical support”, which most “tankies” are practicing. You have criticism of a side but its the lesser evil so you support it despite your criticism. You won’t hear much of that criticism publicly though because that’s counterproductive.

    Like if I want the US to recognize the DPRK as a sovereign state so we can at least begin discussing Korean reunification, why would I bother mentioning my criticism of Juche?

  • The fundamental ideology of capitalism is that people with capital reap the profits

    That’s not an ideology. That’s the actual material conditions of capitalism. An ideology exists in people’s minds. Its the justification for those material conditions. The capitalist justification is “the freer the markets the freer the people”. Sometimes people see through that bullshit and they adopt a new ideology, usually some variant of fascism.

    The Nazi’s and many fascists will cannibalize sectors of the market that dont get along with the new regime. This isn’t a particularly novel observation.

    Its like you understand that everything the capitalists told you is bullshit but you still want the fake goal they set up. So you kept the label of “free market” and slapped it on “well regulated market” and are pretending like you’ve done some clever judo. Everyone will call you a market socialist because that’s what you want.