I’ll assume you’re being intentionally obtuse because no one could actually be that dumb.
I’ll assume you’re being intentionally obtuse because no one could actually be that dumb.
Unfortunately, I am not from the EU region, neither do I live in one
So, the GDPR doesn’t apply to you. So, you’re probably SOL?
I love everything about that. Even a small tech demo with like one kind of item and a single quest would be really cool.
Protec, not attak.
Now, they could still rename it FireWolfHound, which would be a rebranding I would be on board with.
I dunno, Folding Ideas broke down Fortnite’s monetization policies, and they’re pretty damn barbaric, particularly in how they target kids.
God, fuck react in the eye with the pointy shit-covered hunting-sticks of our ancestors. Useless technology that directly breaks the web because there’s never any fallback, so all you get is a blank page. Not even a “please-enable js” message.
The death of this guy has to do with some of it, he worked on some pretty cool stuff and was an all-around pretty awesome dude working for the betterment of the world.
Sounds a lot like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centralia_mine_fire
Second the remarkable. It works well enough that I haven’t even bothered to install any of the community extensions, though that would be easy since it’s just Linux and I can SSH into it to install packages.
Joke’s on you capitalism, my employment EULA prohibits me from making outside income!