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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • That is a perfectly coherent take for 1994 and even for 2015, but these last years Israel has been aligning itself more and more with the anti-US axis in its spirit and rhetoric. The US says “we approve of this, we disapprove of that” and the Israeli elected government responds “who are you to criticize us after what you did in Iraq and Afghanistan?”, like if Putin were there in the flesh he could not have been more on-brand. Geopolitically right now Israel wants to be Hungary, and the only thing preventing that is the historical accident of spending all those years as a US proxy state, and all the strings that came attached to that. And some people waving flags and whining “we liked it as a US proxy state” but clearly no one cares about them.

    I am not saying you can’t make an argument for that succinct manifesto above, just that it used to be self-explanatory how one part is exactly aligned with the other, and nowadays it’s much less self-explanatory than it used to be, and that’s a point of interest.

  • Reading this comment section is so strange. Skepticism about generative AI seems to have become some kind of professional sport on the internet.

    Consensus in our group is that generative AI is a great tool. Maybe not perfect, but the comparison to the metaverse is absurd: no one asked for the metaverse or needed it for anything, as opposed to several cases where GPT has literally bailed us out of a difficult situation. e.g. some proof of concept needed to be written in a programming language that no one in the group had enough experience with. With no GPT, this could have easily cost someone a week. With GPT assistance – proof of concept ready in less than a day.

    Generative AI does suffer from a host of problems. Hallucinations, jailbreaks, injections, reality 101 failures, believe me I’ve encountered all these intimately as I’ve had to utilize GPT for some of my day job tasks, often against its own better judgment and despite its own woefully lacking capacity to deal with the task. What I think is interesting is a candid discussion: why do these issues persist? What have we tried? What techniques can we try next? Are these issues intractable in some profound sense, and constitute a hard ceiling for where generative AI can go? Is there an “impossibility theorem for putting AI on autopilot”? Or are these limitations just artifacts we can engineer away and route around?

    It seems like instead of having this discussion, it’s become in vogue to wave around the issues triumphantly and implicitly declare the field successfully dunked on, and the discussion over. That’s, to be blunt, reductive. Smartphones had issues, the early internet had issues. Sure, “they also laughed at Bozo the clown” and all that, but without a serious discussion of the landscape right now, of how far away we are from mitigating these issues and why, a lot of this “ha ha suck it AI” discourse strikes me as deeply performative. Like, suppose a year from now OpenAI solves hallucinations. The issue is just gone. Do all the cool kids who sneered at the invented legal precedents, crafted their image as knowing better than the OpenAI dweebs, elegantly implied how hallucinations are a cornerstone in how the entire field is a stupid useless dead end – do they lose any face? I think they don’t. I think this is why this sneering has become such a lucrative online professional sport.

  • Hercules and Atlas

    When Hercules visited King Eurystheus, he told Hercules he would need to complete 12 difficult labors for him. One of those labors was to steal the golden apples that belonged to Zeus. These apples were in a garden and guarded by a hundred-headed dragon and the Hesperides sea nymphs. Hercules did not know how he was going to get past these guards to steal the golden apples, so he sought the help of Atlas at the advice of Prometheus.

    Hercules visited Atlas and proposed a deal: if Atlas fetched the golden apples, Hercules would hold up the earth. Atlas hated holding up the earth, so he willfully agreed. After Atlas had retrieved the apples, he returned to Hercules and told him that he would take the apples to King Eurystheus himself. After all, Atlas did not want to return to holding up the earth.

    Hercules could not let Atlas do that but also didn’t know how to give him back the earth, so Hercules came up with a plan. Hercules asked Atlas to take the earth for a moment while he placed some soft padding on his shoulders to help him hold the earth. When Atlas agreed and took the earth back on his shoulders, Hercules grabbed the apples and left Atlas at the edge of the earth holding the world like he had done for so many years before.

  • An old anecdote from my alma mater – in an introductory course to discrete math, the professor was teaching combinatorics and began: “Suppose you have an urn with three balls inside colored red, green and blue…” At this point one of the students interjected: “Half the class are electrical engineering majors, how is any of this relevant to our studies?” there was a beat and the professor corrected himself: “Suppose you have an urn with three resistors inside colored red, green and blue…”

  • Have you seen Mystic pop up bar? Or tomorrow? Both are about the after life.

    Welp. Out with it, I guess: I have extreme fatigue with the urban fantasy “myth and legend is TRUE but in an ordinary and relatable way! What if Zeus was one of us, just a slob like one of us…” concept. I don’t know who to blame / give credit for kick-starting this ubiquitous trend; Probably the origin fission event was the early 2000s releases of Gaiman’s American Gods and Square / Disney’s Kingdom Hearts video game, and the critical threshold was crossed with Once Upon a Time. Back then the idea floored me and I couldn’t get enough of it, now I feel I’ve drunk my fill of it for a lifetime. Whatever remaining capacity for this stuff I had – “but what if it’s really funny and really clever and really profound and everything you like in a show, huh, what then?” – was taken care of by The Good Place. So, I’m sure those are very good shows, I’m just the worst person you could ask to appreciate them.

  • My wife is the real Kdrama nut, I think she’s on her way to the point where she’s literally watched everything. I’m more picky and join her when something catches my interest. And it’s turned out to be a Netflix original nearly every time, so I am, through no fault of my own, a corporate shill.

    Cheesy romance wise, I probably best liked Crash Landing on You. First of all the sheer production value pulling off the concept, and second of all the drama doesn’t spend its entire run in the comfort zone of “will they? won’t they? can they? can’t they?” that 90% of dramas seem to wander around endlessly up to episode 15.9. At some point the ML and FL just… get together and do couple stuff while the crazy plot goes on around them, I say that’s a seriously underrated feature. The show’s weak point was the villain who at every point was exactly as menacing and resourceful as he needed to be: one moment he can teleport anywhere, follow anyone and summon infinite henchmen, the other moment he fumbles all his advantages and comes inches from death. It’s clear the action and intrigue weren’t the main focus for this show, and were used more as enablers for the star-crossed lovers to act out their story. Also I will never get over how the filming for this show involved two actors who were totally into each other and trying to hide it, playing two characters who were totally into each other and trying to hide it. I can just imagine the crew sitting there and thinking “wow! This is really believable acting!”

    Intrigue wise – I’m tempted to say “Defendant” just because of the insane opening theme and the ML’s memetic rage (“CHA MIN-HOOOO!!!”) but the one that comes to mind is the recently-released “The Glory”. It is basically a sprawling and visceral revenge plot; a bunch of assholes being set up to destroy one another by the person who they wronged, where the lead asshole puts up a fight and you always have this suspense of “who thought X+1 steps ahead this episode”. In that respect it’s similar to the non-Korean Revenge (2015) starring Emily VanCamp (but thankfully avoids that show’s profound seasonal rot, which culminated in a final season built on the premise that the one character whose death set the entire show in motion was actually alive after all – I feel no shame in spoiling that). A similar and even grittier experience is “My Name”, also a brutal revenge story that invites you to guess the twist between one gut punch and the next.

    WTF-wise I recently watched “The Interest of Love” and could not look away from it, like a terrible car accident. I don’t even know what to call it, the negative inverse of a love story maybe. When I grow old and forget every other kdrama I will still remember the FL from “The Interest of Love” and her pithy, soul-destroying one-liners. At some points I remember clapping and cheering at the particularly cruel ones as a defense mechanism. I don’t have the words to articulate the gaping hole at the core of this drama where a heart should be; maybe I can say the big emotional idea is kind of like the Basic Instinct movies – deep down the ML knows he is being slowly eaten alive but he won’t walk away, he can’t walk away, deep down in a perverse way he wants this and needs this, and so do the writers, the lord have mercy on their souls. It was certainly an experience, a piece of impossibly sour candy.

    Sci-Fi wise I fondly remember “Sisyphus”. It’s the mirror image of “Crash Landing”: The love story is nothing to write home about, but the surrounding plot, wew lad. There’s time travel and an evil future at war with the present, basically like a more intelligible version of Nolan’s TENET. I can barely remember any of it now but at the time I remember being decently impressed with it, and that’s after reaching a point where I felt I’ve already seen every kind of sci-fi bullshit and nothing could impress me anymore. I particularly liked how they skirted around the whole issue of “how do the people with time travel not just stomp over all the obstacles in their path”, which to my taste was disastrously handled in e.g. “Signal”.

  • To me vim’s main strengths are

    • It delivers the same OK-ish experience no matter what file type or language I’m dealing with. Yeah it’ll never be as good as a dedicated Python IDE for writing Python, but I’d rather know vim than 5 different IDEs for Python, YAML, Dockerfiles, Rust, Latex, whatever I need to deal with today.
    • It just edits files and doesn’t hide internal state, intermediate files, etc to make my life ‘simpler’ (notepad is the same, so I guess this is more of a strength vs IDEs). When an IDE fails to align all of its internal moving parts just right to compile a project I know I’m in for an hour of figuring out which checkbox needs to be unticked in what sub-sub-sub-sub-submenu, I like it much better to have a “flat” experience of invoking a command line and getting an error message directly from the tool I am invoking.
    • 20dd to delete 20 lines, that’s very neat.