• The real problem with humanity is the following: We have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions, and godlike technology.

  • Falling feels like flying, for a little while

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • The human body is supposed to naturally initiate a bowel movement first thing after waking, but sometimes we find it inconvenient and disrupt that timing. Coffee can help re-train it when it gets messed up… or when you’re time constrained in the morning.

    I have a job where I can flex poop in the morning, so without caffeine it may happen immediately, and sometimes it may take 30 minutes. Food also stimulates it in the morning.

    • Stop declining when people invite you to stuff.
    • Stop being picky about activities/food/music/etc.
    • Be vigilant/safe, yet open minded, open to new experiences, spontaneous.
    • Plan trips and events, both budget friendly and splurgy, then actually commit to doing them.
    • Smile and laugh n shit.
    • Compliment people, thank people, be considerate to others even if it’s not always reciprocated.
    • When it is reciprocated, gravitate more towards that person, and gravitate slowly away from people who don’t seem to appreciate you.