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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • For me, it’s the simple memories of playing Quake 3 Arena on Friday nights after school. Crush soda in my cup. A fresh bagel in my hand. Freedom from the responsibilities of homework until Sunday night. I only had the one game so I’d spend the evening exploring different mods, trying to teach myself how to make levels (maps), and of course just frag noobs online until my eyes hurt. I’d stay up super late and when I’d wake up I literally couldn’t be more excited to do it all over again. It was glorious.

  • There are anecdotal stories of people entering higher states of consciousness during near death experiences, extremely deep meditation, holotropic breathing exercises, etc.

    Really creative people describe their most proud acts of creation as if the idea came from somewhere else. As if the concept arose independently and they tried their best to relay it into the real world.

    As for the people on psychedelic drugs, they usually speak of the higher state of consciousness as being more real than the real world… which would make sense if our usual consciousness was a subset of something bigger.

  • On the last day of my college internship a senior VP at my little company invited me into his office presumably to get to know me prior to extending a full-time offer. To break the ice he asked me what my favorite Star Wars movie was. I smiled and replied that I could never get through any of them.

    As I was uttering these words I began to notice the giant Star Wars poster directly behind the gentleman. It then dawned on me that his office was chalk full of Star Wars memorabilia.

    The man did not ask me any further questions. He shook my hand, thanked me for my great work, and I never stepped foot into those offices ever again.

  • I do slide back from time to time to be perfectly honest! What really helps me though is muscle memory. For example, the Books app on my iPhone sits where my (third party) Reddit app used to be. That way when I reach for my phone during those short moments of downtime throughout the day I’m more likely to read something a little more meaningful.

    For video games specifically I try to consume less meta content such as gameplay videos and reviews. I fell into this trap where I would spend so much time researching a new game and watching other people play it that by the time I got my hands on it a lot of the novelty wore off and I had little interest left.

  • I think the world has been trending toward short-form content for a very long time now.

    We’ve gone from reading books, to skimming articles, to skimming article comments. We’ve gone from TV, to YouTube videos, to TikTok style shorts. We’ve gone from playing video games to watching other people play them in the background.

    I noticed that I personally feel happiest when I invest my attention into longer form content. So I have been trying my best to cut out the digital sugar.

    • I read books.
    • I set a side large chunks of time to immerse myself into video games.
    • I subscribe to RSS feeds and read the full articles minus the comments.

    I found that these changes have greatly improved my feelings of wellbeing. I’m sure that my SSRI had nothing to do with it.

  • You are actually describing my “ideal” world as I outlined here!

    My vision is heavily inspired by Terence McKenna. I imagine a world as it might have existed during prehistoric times. Lush forests teeming with exotic wildlife, clean air, and crystal clear water. No highways full of billboards, no parking lots, no shopping malls, and no cars. Just safe grounds and paths for humans embedded deep within all of this nature. At a birds-eye view, it may look as if humanity has completely abandoned technology and regressed back into its childhood. Yet if you were to look out through the eyes of one of these utopian people, you would see the most wonderful augmented reality display. Information, communication, entertainment, education, global economies… almost everything has been de-materialized. Humanity’s ceaseless pursuit of technology has been mostly divorced from our physical environment and mother earth is bustling with life again. The only technologies that remain in the real world are those that help all of us live happy and healthy lives (modern medicine, delicious food, solar power, etc) all the while the shared virtual reality in our eyes is limited only by our collective imaginations. We are finally living in accord with nature without having to forsake our innate desire for knowledge and progress.

  • It’s very hard for me to recommend this movie because most people do not have the patience for the slow burn! A few of my friends fell asleep while watching it with me. The kind of person who will enjoy this movie is what Vanilla Sky itself refers to as a “pleasure delayer”. Someone who delays gratification until the absolute breaking point… which, ironically, is precisely what is necessary to fully experience the orgasmic conclusion to the film.

    This movie just resonates with my soul, I don’t know how else to describe it!

    It hits so many chords which have been interesting to me throughout my life: consciousness, lucid dreaming, sci-fi, romance and the lack of it (“you will never know the exquisite pain of the guy who goes home alone”), etc.

    The soundtrack is also out of this world. Whenever a song plays during the movie the underlying visuals are in such perfect harmony that it starts to feel a bit like a music video.