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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • This guy though was completely personality-less

    I don’t usually set the bar high either.

    But if you ask me what my favourite interests are and I tell you that I like reading Fantasy books and baking and spending time with friends and PC gaming and you have no idea what any of those are. And then I ask you back.

    You can’t tell me “Some times I go out and have ONE beer with my friends. Can you drink more than one beer? Eh. We usually meet up for one hour once per month. What I do the rest of the time? Eh. Nothing? I watch youtube before I go to bed? Channels? What type? Ehhh… Anything else that is happening in my life? WELL, I AM going to go study medicine in Poland 😎. When I’m going? I’m not really sure. Well I am waiting for the reply back from them. I am enrolled yes! What letter? The confirmation letter. No I haven’t heard back from them yet. How I know I’m enrolled? Well I did send them my submission letter so I am definitely enrolled. How I know if I haven’t gotten confirmation? Eh. Well. I sent them a submission letter ofc.”

    That’s when I looked at my watch and said “Ooh time sure does fly fast! I need to hurry if I’m to catch the bus. Thank you for your time. Goodluck with your submission. Bye.”

  • He was a hot mess of manipulative and sociopathic fucker with a bad temper that I somehow “fell in love with” and treated me like garbage for the most part of 5 years without me even realising it until the end and there are still times when I think “thank fuck he broke up”.

    Small bits and pieces of how he treated me:

    1. He thought I was ungrateful for being allergic to the valentines chocolates he bought me once. Never bought me anything ever again.

    2. He was violent to inanimate objects that just happened to be in the way. Never knew if it was going to be me one day.

    3. Constantly gaslighted me by playing stupid and “not knowing” where things went in the kitchen and purposefully hid things when he unloaded the dishwasher. He did this when I was almost apathetic with depression and barely could shower. But I made an effort to make dinner for him after work. Took two hours to make food because nothing was where it was supposed to.

    4. Constantly lied about everything. Where he was, what he was doing and who he was doing it with. I found this out a few months before he broke it off.

    5. Manipulated my feelings. If he had done something and I was sad then 5 minute’s later it was all my fault and he was sad and needed comfort.

    6. Always said I was too good for him so that I would give him recognition. That was the only recognition that mattered.

    7. Constantly complained about me not doing any chores and that I should start to pull my weight even though I did most chores, had crippling depression and had a job.

    8. He went off for work for 5 days. I came down with the worst flu I’ve ever had on day 1. Was still sick when he came back. He went off on me for being lazy and only laying on the couch all week.

    9. He planned our breakup for more than half a year, didn’t tell me, saved up for an apartment and then sat me down with a pizza saying “My best friend thought I should tell you. But it’s September tomorrow. I’m moving out before Christmas”. He then went to OUR friends and my only friends in town and cried because he broke up with me while I had to be by myself. When he could’ve gone to his best childhood friend who lived a couple of blocks away.

    That was just a small part of it all.

    Only a few days ago me and my current partner had a disagreement and he reacted normally and I was so worried that he was going to react violently but it never came. So I had to tell him that it was comforting that he reacts reasonable and not being violent or try to manipulate my feelings. He then wondered what shit partner I’ve been with before.

  • I was working as a phone tech at a phone provider and decided to get a plan with them.

    2 months go by and I don’t recieve a bill so I go on to my own account and see that for some reason they have made my account into a corporate account that is billed every 3 months.

    So obviously I call in because I’m not allowed to tinker with my own account.

    First rep I speak to I introduce myself and ask how come I haven’t gotten my bill yet. He said “Some times it can take a few months but I can see here that your bill is due to arrive next month”.

    So I ask him “So I’m not on a 3month plan by any chance?”

    And he denied it so hard even though I’m looking straight at the column that says “billed every 3 months”. So I told him “Thank you but I don’t think I’ll get anywhere else with you”

    Called a second time. Got abother rep. Asked him “Hey. I’m not billed every three months by any chance?”

    And he actually looked at my account saw that I am an employee and decided to look and lo and behold I was indeed billed every 3 months.

    Same company sent me to collections for not paying a bill that they wrongfully put on me after I cancelled but I didn’t even receive the bill and I didn’t receive the vill from collections either so it went straight to the debt collectors agency and when I called them up about it they acknowledged that they’ve been wrong, sent back part of the money and then refused to take back the late payment notice.