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Cake day: August 20th, 2023


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    Text at the top reads: what is that small jean pocket actually for The first image shows a hand pointing downwards and to the right and the text underneath “a safe place for my finger to hide”, the finger has a label reading “he is so nervous” The second image shows a ravioli square and the text “ravioli” underneath The third image shows a naked, balding grey-haired man with a mustache, waving and smiling from his place inside the aforementioned pocket and the text “a home for kevin”

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    A meme with the text at the top reading: When you turn off all the annoying beeping things in the hospital and everyone starts sleeping better Below the text is an image of Zapp Brannigan from the TV show Futurama with his eyes closed, smiling and holding his hands up palms out and saying “No need to thank me.”

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    A photo of Frodo Baggins from The Lord of the Rings with someone standing behind him, their hands on his shoulders, and a disgruntled look on his face. The caption above the image reads: The other kids at Stuart Little’s orphanage watching a family adopt a rat instead of them:

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    A four-panel comic called Inky Rickshaw by Ricky Hawkins (inkyrickshaw.com @inkyrickshaw). The first panel shows a man in a blue shirt, yellow tie and glasses, holding a mug with the text BOSS MUG on it. He’s talking to a woman seated at a desk with her back turned to the desk, wearing a white shirt and black skirt and looking up over her shoulder from her phone which she’s holding in her hand. On the desk is a blue desk phone, which is ringing. The man is saying “What’s that noise?”, to which the woman is replying “It’s the customer service line.” The second panel shows a close-up on the man, behind which is a purple background with a flowchart on it. The flowchart starts with a rectangle which splits into two options resulting in circle or triangle. The circle also has two options which both results in rectangles. The left rectangle has three options, the left of which results in a skull, the bottom option splits into two results, one of which is the triangle on the second tier, and the other is a question mark, and the top option results in the initial rectangle. The second rectangle from the circle has two options, the bottom results in a circle and the top results in another rectangle. The circle has two options, one results in a triangle but the other’s result is outside the panel, the triangle’s only option’s result is also outside the panel. The rectangle has only one option that also results in the triangle on the second tier. The man is saying “Are you saying someone actually navigated our labyrinthine phone tree…” The third panel also shows the close-up of the man, only this time he is leaning back slightly and has one eyebrow raised in consternation. On the green background behind him is a confusing line of sheet music that appears to be in an inconsistent meter. The man is saying “…and still hasn’t hung up after a full hour of mind-melting hold music?” The woman is replying from off-screen “Yeah…” The final panel shows the man and woman once again, the man’s hands are raised with his palms up in a pleading motion and his face shows shock as he says “WHAT’S WRONG WITH THEM?!” The woman has now turned her chair around to face the desk and still-ringing phone, fear on her face as she replies “I don’t know, but I’m scared.”

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    X/Twitter post by user john is toast @johnistoasted reading: My dad and I went to a restaurant and the waiter pointed at the QR code on the wall and sad “thats our menu” and left and my dad looked at it really close and said “Is this some kind of joke”

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    Two images of Squidward from Spongebob Squarepants, the first shows him despondently pouring himself a coffee at work at the Krusty Krab in his uniform of brown collared short-sleeved shirt and cap with an anchor on the front. The second image shows him sitting similarly despondently on the floor bathed in a glow from in front of him, while he wears a pink nightcap, pink button-down short-sleeved pajama top, and four pink bunny slippers. The text above the image reads: The older we get, the more we understand this guy.

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    A scene from The Twilight Saga: New Moon showing three vampires, Caius, Aro, and Marcus, in gold-brown Rococo era garb looking judgmentally down their noses at the viewer. Above the image is the caption: What I look like, because I haven’t been browsing Reddit for over a month.

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    A Dinos and Comics 4-panel comic strip #0896. The first panel shows a grey triceratops with purple spots on its flank and wearing a matching purple bag strapped to its waist, walking towards a cave entrance to which a sign reading “MAKING FRIENDS 101” is pointing. The second panel shows the grey triceratops sitting at a brown stump-like desk, looking back at a pink dilophosaurus with a yellow crest and green frills seated behind them smiling and saying “hi! my name’s stephen.” The third panel is a close-up of the scowling triceratops saying “shut up stephen.” The final panel is zoomed out once more, showing the triceratops has turned to face the front of the room and Stephen is looking deflated, his frills drooping and his smile gone, as the triceratops continues “i’m here to learn.”

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    A drawn picture of a woman with shoulder-length blue hair and purple suit jacket over a darker purple long-sleeve button-down shirt, hanging her head dejectedly while a semicircle of fingers ring her head, accompanied by the words: “Parasite!”, “Fix my AC!”, “Tenants have rights!”, “Leech!”, “Hope you get Mao’d!”, “Let me live here for free!”, “Rent control!”, and “Rich Scum!”. Below the picture is a caption reading: No one understands the landlord struggle…

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    X/Twitter post by a user whose name has been crossed out reading: wizard hat, cowboy brim Below the text is an image of a black cowboy hat brim with silver and gold detailing barely visible on the roll, cut off at the brown band with silver circular crown, the crown has been replaced with the pointed part of a black wizard’s hat, complete with silver stars and moon.

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