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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Some of us do care.

    A product directly bankrolled by Peter Thiel? A project, not concerned about blocking ads but rather making sure that it’s their ads that you see?

    If you’re on iOS. Maybe the EU will bail you out and force Apple to allow other web engines.

    If you’re on Android, Firefox works perfectly well and Fennec is a fine fork.

    If you’re on anything else, Librewolf is fork of Firefox without all of the Pocket and other privacy hostile default settings.

  • Biden and the Dems are right-leaning centrists.

    Actual progressives caucus with them because what choice do we have? Refusing to do so effectively gives control of the most powerful nation in the history of the world to a psychotic doomsday cult who never met a minority that they didn’t hate with all of their Christian hearts™.

    Kinda makes me wonder if we’ll ever have a proper left-wing party in this country since, at this point, saying that poor people should be given a 30 second head start before being hunted by their social betters is considered by Conservatives to be radical Marxism.

  • I have to disagree (but won’t downvote!)

    AI porn is creepy. In multiple ways!

    But it’s also a natural evolution of what we’ve been doing as a species since before we were a species.

    Does imagining a different partner while having sex or masturbating count? I would imagine most people would say, “no”.

    How about if somebody draws a crude stick figure of somebody they met on the street? Unless you’re Randall Munroe, this is probably harmless too.

    Now a highly skilled portrait artist paints a near replica of somebody he knows, but has never seen in the nude. They never mention their friend by name, but the output is lifelike and unmistakably them.

    Maybe a digital artist finds a few social media pictures of a person and decided to test drive Krita and manipulates them into appearing nude.

    Or, and this happened to me quite recently, you find your porn doppelganger. My spouse found mine and it ruined her alone time. And they really did look just like me! Taking that a step further, is it illegal to find somebody’s doppelganger and to dress them up so that they look more like their double?

    Like you, I don’t want people like this in my life. But it feels like this is one of those slippery slopes that turns out to be an actual slippery slope.

    You can’t make it illegal without some serious downstream effects.

    If you did, the servers will just get hosted in an Eastern European country that is happy to lulwat at American warrants.

    I don’t have any answers, just more Devil’s advocate-esque questions. If there was a way to make it illegal without any collateral damage, I’d be proudly behind you leading the charge. I just can’t imagine a situation where it wouldn’t get abused, a’la the DMCA.

  • My own head cannon is that she never actually loved him but was convinced by Obi Wan to play the role to perhaps act as a stabilizing influence.

    But soon she discovers that her erstwhile side piece is a psychotic man-child with the powers of a minor god. Now things have spiraled out of her control. There’s a legitimate fear that, it rejected, Anakin could become unhinged and lose control.

    After a few years in a loveless marriage she found herself pregnant and, like in a lot of actual abusive marriages, latches onto that as a means of preserving a relationship that should have been allowed to mercifully die.

    This is the only way I can reconcile the terrible performance from an otherwise exemplary actress. She was playing the part of a woman playing a part.