I like cake.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • What‘s the worth of AI generated summaries if they are not factually reliable? The new Google search result previews that are generated by AI (and I believe Google as a large company has more resources than most of us do) contain so many obvious factual errors (i.e. made-up names, wrong places, false dates) that I really doubt current generation AI is ready to be a reliable help in this use case.

    I, too, like the idea of not having to do all this work manually. But we’re not there yet.

  • Start a new factorio game on a handheld device. Don’t forget to get out of the plane after 20 hours.

    Or watch the extended cuts of Lord of the Rings plus The Hobbit. That is 1171 minutes (=20 hours).

    On a more serious note: I would schedule multi-hour blocks of work time, off time and sleep. Watching movies and playing games is much more fun after work is finished, and you feel like you accomplished something. It’s also a good opportunity to do the tedious things you always wanted to do but never had the time and/or motivation (finances, taxes, studying, sorting files, sorting mails, that kind of stuff). It’s not like you had anything better to do or other places to be, and it might actually make you feel better. After three hours of working you will look forward to the movie, before going to sleep.

  • I really enjoy your artwork!

    I don’t doubt that your process makes sense for your use-case. And I’m certain that you‘d have thought about alternatives, if they were viable. But your comment left me curious: Why do you prefer to use a regular document scanner for this instead of a good camera or a book scanner?

    Also… as an aside, wouldn’t actually cleaning the scanner regularly be faster in the long run than digitally removing the junk afterwards?

  • Limiting how much one single person can define the narrativ of a forum with clear rules might be a more sensible approach instead of removing posts based on content. Please have a look at the situation: Roughly 40 negative posts about Ukraine/US/NATO in just the last week (and very little else) on a newish account certainly makes me think OP is pushing his agenda, not regularly participating in a forum.