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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • Also adding to the list of nice things - a picture of the current dictator on all public offices and classrooms. Work and school weeks from Monday to Saturday and a Sunday in which you had to do mandatory free time activities, like go to communist youth clubs, participate in parades for the glory of the state, or plant flowers or do random maintenance work in the park.

    I’ve noticed the arguments tend to center around the notion that ‘that wasn’t true communism’ and that the notions presented by Marx et al. were not properly implemented.

    Fair enough, I can agree with that, but I’d wonder what makes us think that we would do it better next time? How do you actually prevent consolidation of power in the hands of the select few (in any system, for that matter, not just the ideal communism)?

    Obligatory capitalism is bad too (but at least I’m in less danger of getting vanned in the middle of the night for insulting random great leader - attemtping to undermine the social order or whatever they called thoughtcrimes).

  • I also can afford stuff but sometimes stuff doesn’t allow itself to be bought. Tried buying some music in mp3 format from Amazon, they wouldn’t sell me digital music because I didn’t live in one of the handful of countries they sell to. So I just ordered the audio CD and ripped it. Now I have the physical disk as well which, I’m not going to lie, I like, but convenience went out the window. This was a new release.

    On a different occasion (older release), I couldn’t find the audio CD version but found a site that sold to me (not Amazon, but what do you know, it is possible to sell digital goods all over the world. Whoddathunkit?).

    And then I have some music I still cannot find neither digital nor disk except for some very rare vinyls which pop up once in a while. And I don’t have a set-up to rip vinyls, so what does one do about that? Piracy is also a service problem.

  • Thank you for your service.

    It’s easy to demonize and dunk on people for being greedy and just removing houses from the market, but as you well have stated, some people are not in a position to buy. So rent becomes the only true and logical solution.

    Sure, they could well be down on their luck. But I would also present the case of the immigrant, new to a country (and having moved with a job offer), having no opportunity to sign for a mortgage (no credit history, didn’t gather enough work time in the country to provide payslips). And even if they had a suitcase of money just lying around, it takes a bit of time to decide if you want to settle. The best one can hope for is finding a landlord who’s not an asshat.

    And no, other solutions proposed in the comments probably would not help, since, for instance, communal rentals tend to have long waiting lists or require some sort of reputation (like knowing some of the community) before allowing you to move in.

  • I… have some news for you.

    Sadly, this is the sort of shit parroted amongst less tech savy populations in countries with Ukranian refugees. Mostly older parents, grandparents, older aunts and uncles and such from Eastern Europe (the first port of call usually for refugees - neighboring countries). Hence why you don’t see it that often around here. It’s present in the west of Europe, as well.

    Also quite popular is ‘we can’t take care of our own [homeless people], but have you seen the amount of money that the government is pumping into them with their fancy cars?’

    Oh and “I’m sick and tired of hearing ukranian everywhere I go. The playground is full of ukranian children and their parents that don’t speak {local language}!”

    I suspect it’s russian propaganda, because nobody can be that stupid on their own, right?

    Like sure, they have audi q8s. What were they supposed to do? Leave them there and walk towards new places? And if your daughter/son was fleeing invaders, what would you think of the asshats that point at them and say ‘go away with yer fancy car!’? I thought we were all on the same page of not wanting russia as a neighbour in the near future. Apparently not. Somehow people running away from actual rape and murder are inconveniencing them.

  • Direct democracy is still corruptible via propaganda. It’s way more difficult to steal a majority of votes, but if you use some carefully crafted us vs. them narrative, you can steer the public opinion in your favour. Which begs the question then, if public opinion (in this case just a bit over half) is in your favour, has democracy not been achieved?

    And if so, is direct democracy not just the current system but with extra steps?

    Or are we counting on a “more locks deter opportunists, but don’t prevent the ones truly bent on breaking in” in order to discourage minor acts of corruption hoping it wouldn’t cascade into something bigger?

  • nah, lad, people are most likely understanding exactly what ya meant and they’re downvoting because of that. also the ‘pseudo-childfree’ mention might also be bothersome to some, what with it suggesting said lifestyle might be just a phase and thus claiming to have the absolute truth and such things. pretty sure parents would downvote a childfree person for suggesting a pseudo-parent notion.

    but I’m 2 ales and a barleywine in already, so YMMV

    this thread is entertaining though, for what it’s worth. I just want to see the fuckcarspeople get involved here as well, 'cause it’s getting kind of repetitive

    why isn’t there a fuckplanes community, I wonder? I mean they still use leaded fuel and are probably making us all stupider and more violent and stuff