• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • It depends on how far back you go and who you contact about he incident and the evidence to solidify the claim. 9/11 could have been stopped relatively easily with a few days notice to national security. The air force could have shot both planes out of the sky. Just call the civilian deaths a tragic casalty of terrorism and use it to help fuel the war. The twin towers could have been shut down that day.

    But you’ve gotta materialize right in front of the commander in chief, bring a mountain of carbon datable evidence like news papers and original classified docs, and hope that you don’t get brained on the spot before you make your case.

    As for covid, you probably can’t stop it but maybe better warn and prepare world governments so they can get their population ready through subtle conditioning like trying to get wearing mask be a fashon trend or advertising bidets heavily as the new rich yuppie thing to show as a status symbol.

  • Smokeydope@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldobesity
    1 month ago

    Just wanted to give some input as someone who dealt with lifelong obesity. As a fat person, some people just don’t like to face the music or give themselves an honest look in the mirror. They don’t want to call a spade a spade. Changing around words to describe things in more complex and softer language doesn’t change the situation any, it just helps you psychologically cope.

    The same with playing the blame game on outside factors like genetics and disability. Blaming everything you can but yourself and your own choices and failures and unaddressed mental insecurities. Thats not a fat person thing though, thats a general human being thing I tend to see in most groups of people one way or another. Its easier to convince yourself that you never had a choice, than it is to acknowledge the bad personal choices that lead to the consequences of your failures.

    When you have fat rolls, and stretch marks litter your stomach, and you look more like a slug than a human being, and you need help wiping your own ass or a bigger toilet to support the weight, when you have to go shopping at specialty close stores (before amazon) just to find a size that fits, and you have no self control or desire to change your habits to stop the self destructive spiral as your stomach swells like a balloon, thats obesity. Regardless of arguments on BMI or CICO or genetics or whatever else, you’ve got a serious problem that needs addressing or it will destroy you slowly but surely.

    “At least I’ll die happy!” my type 2 diabetic father would always gleefully tell me as he shoved another tasty cake in his mouth before jabbing himself with an insulin pen. I don’t think the junk food ever did make him happy though. He had mental health issues he never worked through in life. Instead, he relied on the temporary relief of junk food for pleasure, eventually having his addiction dominate and guide his existence.

    As for me? I’ve gone through cycles of gaining and loosing 100 pounds. Right now im on a downward trend, lost 40 pounds this year. Hope to loose another 40 by this time next year. I gain the pounds during cycles of extreme depression, and loose them during cycles of great determination and self-agency. Our physical well-being is tied to our emotional and spiritual well-being. Self destructive cycles are much easier to enter when you feel nihilistic and out of control of your own life.

    How do I loose weight? I don’t eat. CICO, Simple as. I eat one meal a day, if that. Maybe snack on some dried preserved nuts and fruits once or twice.I drink water and lemon juice. I am a 6’1 man the calorie calculators tell me I should have around 2000 calories daily and cut down by 500 to loose a pound every once in awhile. Fuck that, I have maybe 500-1000 calories daily.

    Im a little hungry a lot of the time, but I see the results of my conviction when I step on the scale expecting it to raise 5 lbs and seeing it drop 10 lbs. I look at myself in the mirror, examining my fading stretch marks and receding folds, I examine my skin tightening around the muscles and notice my face not quite as round as it once was. Thats the reward physical evidence of improvement. That my efforts aren’t for nothing. It helps to remind myself of what im doing it for, and the price ive already had to pay for my insecurities and failures to control myself.

    The physical act of loosing weight is hard and requires self-control over a very long time often multiple years. The mental act of introspection and reflecting on what lead to your obesity often requires analyzing the roots of your negative aspects while confronting those past traumas. That requires a mental strength and intelligence many people lack. At the end of the day, its easier and feels nicer to twist words and point fingers than fix your own problems.

  • I’ve had a few moments in my life where I dream of myself doing a mundane thing and then years later I end up doing that thing, remember the dream from years ago, and ponder if I have the worlds lamest precognition where I only realize I caught a glimpse of the future after already living out he moment I caughta glimpse of.

    Oh and also when I was a toddler I vividly remember the experience of freezing to death in the back yard while playing in the snow. I mostly chalk it up to a dream but I remember the nightmares I had as a kid and all of them were surreal chase dreams with a monster version of the easter bunny or the geiko lizard getting me.

    This was different. I still remembee the back yard, the ‘fort’ I had made and trapped myself in, I remember clawing at the snow to get out until my hands went from burning to feeling nothing, screaming for mommy to save me to no avail, and eventually succumbing to the cold. I dont know how toddler me would b able to imagine up the exact sensations of freezing or that level of grim detail.

  • No corner of the internet is safe from overly intellectual jackasses like myself who like to disagree with other overly intellectual jackasses over the nature of truth and reality. I’m sure somewhere there’s a comment thread on a scat porn site debating the nature of what a fetish even is.

  • Smokeydope@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldjust sayin'
    1 year ago

    A person can hold a opinion or belief that is objectively wrong and no amount of schitzo subjective reality warping mental gymnastics changes objective reality. They may feel in the right but that’s different from actually being right.

    Some people believe the world is flat with all their heart and might despite their cellular phone working with a satellite that could not orbit without a round earth. At some point a person of decent maturity and sanity realizes they hold an objectively wrong understanding of some aspects of the world when reality inevitably conflicts with their held beliefs.

    A sound mind admits its fallibility in having occasionally shitty opinions and believing objectively wrong things, and makes an active effort to become more open minded.

    Only mental gymnast and mentally unwell people double down and go “well the earth being round is just like, your opinion man! I’m still in the right since you haven’t convinced me otherwise. You failed to alter my subjective view of reality! Fuck your evidence its just wrong!”

  • A artist/creator putting a price tag on their creative work is monetization.

    A big pharma insulin maker charging diabetics 5x what they should because they know there’s high demand and people will literally die if they don’t fork up the cash is exploitation.

    Monetization is assigning economic value to an physical asset.

    Exploitation is artificially inflating the economic value of a resource necessary for survival and forcing a population of people into a position where they must give all of their generated value just to live. People need food, water, shelter, and sometimes life sustaining medicine. Most other things are nice convinences but entirely optional. Putting a million dollar price tag on an art piece isn’t exploitation, putting a 100$ price tag on a gallon of water would be.

  • Depends on the game and the extent of mod.

    For doom its important to understand the difference between port and mod. Doom has 3 components, the physics engine that is the backbone skeleton of all the games internal code for movement bullet firing and all the functionality. ‘Assets’ which are the skin of the game, sprite artwork for enemies, walls, skyboxes, entities, pickups, GUI, sound and music. Maps are the flesh and blood, and using a map maker like SLADE can let you make your own a ‘mod’ can be as simple as a retextured sprite or as extensive as a full asset flip with new sounds and everything. Or a new set of maps.

    Most mods don’t touch the physics engine though unless its an entirely new game built off dooms engine such as heretic.

    Dooms physics game engine was open sourced a very long time ago meaning that the skeleton is free and open source. someone can make a 1 to 1 functional clone of doom if you make your own assets and maps (that’s the basis of the Freedoom IWAD project).

    Ports are rewrites of the physics game engine either from its original source or completely new. Either to get the game on a console or new computer architecture. The original doom was for DOS, and when everyone moved to windows 95 native DOS comparability was lost and fans had to use inefficent emulation through Dosbox. Thats why source ports exist so that the game engine can run on newer computer hardware natively.Blood is a infamous case where the source code of the original game was lost, the new remaster of it uses a completely different engine and thus its gameplay cannot be 1 to 1 faithful.

    Some games are made with modding in mind. Minetest comes to mind as its both a game engine and a playable game meant for users to build their own games. Surge the Rabbit is in the same vein being a 2d sonic clone/platformer engine meant to me nodded.

    Some games are a nightmare to mod, Minecraft java edition for instance. Minecraft mods require mod loaders which inefficently tear apart the games code and patch in the mod content in a Frankensteins monster of a game code. Microjang at one point point promised modders an official supported game API but gave them the finger after they realized bedrock edition was where the money is.

    Difficulty ranges on a scale then I guess. Easiest are very old games with open source ports that just require some basic image sprite and midi changes. Usually map making is very easy too. The medium is modern open source game engines that are intended for modding in mind. The hardest are locked down AAA games where the devs either ignore the modding community or even actively harm it.