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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 5th, 2024

  • Okay, so you agree that they have limitations on their hours? Thats the issue of the discussion, some in certain places may need to be closed at 4, and can only open at 8. That’s the limitations of whatever agreements they have with their landlord and municipality. Shit sucks sometimes. But no, business can’t choose their hours, that’s a fallacy, almost all of them have some limitations, like open and close hours due to noise bylaws, or zoning issues with closeness to residential areas.


    No they weren’t, only a select few in most cities were, zoning and bylaws played large roles first.

    Not everything is a conspiracy dude.

  • I can’t think of a single city where all business can operate 24 hours, can you provide any?

    Its zoning laws, and you can be sure I’m not going to assed to go through any municipalities zoning laws to see when each class of business can be allowed to be open.

    Very few businesses are 24/7, not even Walmarts in most cities. Please provide a municipality that says a deli shop can operate 24/7, because some would if they could, but plenty are forced to close before bars are closed and the rest usually an hour after… its not because they want to, its because their specific zoning laws disallow it.

    Your original claim

    We can’t control our work hours for the most part, a business owner can.

    A business owner unfortunately has rules to follow on their hours, you claimed otherwise first, so you need to provide the sources, you can’t back out of this one.

  • It’s likely their passion job while they work another job in that scenario.

    So yeah it’s probably not profitable for them to be open that 30 more minutes, you could be the only extra customer, and you can’t seriously think one potential customer once in while could justify that do you?

    And how am I demonizing laziness? Taking time off to support local businesses is lazy? The fuck…?

  • You could also take a shift off, just like they would need to to go to your place of work, since they likely have the same hours.

    So they need to go out of their way, but not you? The double standards of entitled people are hilarious.

    Not to mention business hour limitations from bylaws, not always profitable to be open… lots of factors people ignore, but let’s talk about them now shall we?

  • You asked for sources, and now insult me for providing what you asked for and asking for some back since your claim is more bullshit? The fuck is wrong with you lol.

    It also takes two to tango, you asked for stuff, I provided, you balked, so who’s the adult and who’s the child here? If I’m a child, you’re objectively worse, so where does that put you? Oh right, a troll, which isn’t surprising, since you’ve provided nothing of substance, but asked and received and are now being a petulant child. What a shocker.

  • The first article I linked explained it pretty good, but apparently you couldn’t be assed to read it, but that’s about par for the course when anyone tries discussing this. Cavill can’t be wrong, yet he literally said he was, but he still asininely pushed for “source material”, which was both books and video game.

    “And for me, that’s always a little bit heartbreaking, because I love the lore, and I love the material so much. I wish we could fit it all in, but with the structure of an eight-hour series, you can’t.”

    Of course he knew the limitations of the media, he would be daft not to, and you’re even worse for not comprehending this, doubly so when asked for a source and provided it, you still beak off.

    This is common knowledge at this point, I’m sorry your head is buried in the sand, or your precious actor is actually not in the right. Shit happens dude lmfao, but maybe stop blindly defending someone, especially a repeat offender.

    The onus would actually be on you, you made a claim first, so let’s your sources that he didn’t know it wasn’t a 1:1, I provided the information you requested, and even a quote from him saying he knew the limitations. Thats should exceed your requirements, so can we have some reciprocation? Or did I hit the nail on the head already? I went above and beyond, you made the original claim, you can atleast have the decency now to back it up.

  • The fact that season 1 has nothing to do with the books, if you’ve read them… should be the biggest enough hint. But it’s painfully obvious you haven’t and are just perpetuating the same shit Cavill did. Find your own thing yikes.

    But how many Articles do you want


    Maybe why don’t you explain what’s the same between them? Because most people agree, they aren’t the same story, and if it was… do you think cavil would be fighting for it to be the same…? Your argument doesn’t even work lmfao. You also made the original claim, so the onus is on you, but I am going to do better than I know you will and I provided some sources, can you…?

    If it followed script like your claiming… what would cavils complaint be…?

  • They did, they used the skeleton to tell a different story, but cavil didn’t like it wasn’t a 1:1 retelling, yet no one wants to discuss how the games weren’t either. Yet he was arguing for content from both…? How does that make sense. He says follow the source content, than points at both? Make that make sense, if you’ve actually read the books and played the game and know they aren’t remotely the same thing.

    Dude didn’t even know what friggen lore he wanted himself, and was forcing the showrunners to do a story they never intended.

    Maybe read some article about this, this isn’t new information, but sure, claim ignorance I guess. He was fired from DC for more or less the same arguments about source material, while they were telling their own story.

    You seem to know what an “adapted script” is, and you understand the showtellers were doing that… but Cavill fighting for source material confuses you? What…? Lmfao you can’t have both… fucking he’ll. He wanted a retelling, the show runners didn’t, how is this so hard to comprehend, when you seem to udnerstand most of this?

  • The show was a different story from the books and game, what source material were they supposed to follow? Tell the same story again? That was not what they proposed or were greenlit for? And he signed on for THAT, not whatever he claimed after, since that’s not what they were doing. So if he thought they were doing an exact reenactment of the books or games, maybe he should read his contracts or the proposal for the shows? This is twice now he’s done this.

    He was canned from two different places for refusing to understand they are telling different stories that can’t be identical to the source material. How else do you deal with someone like that? Especially when he started dragging fans into harassing the show runners.

    People defend him, since they don’t understand what was going on, but he’s louder and more famous, so he gets his way, until he doesn’t. Maybe the fact his has happened more than once should give people pause…?

  • Not to mention the show was supposed to be a different story from the books AND game which are vastly different already (which no one seems to comprehend when talking about this topic) he got fans and everyone else to capitulate his demands to show runners that it meet source material. How is a unique story supposed to meet source material…?

    The guy is delusional and it’s cost him roles, yet his rabid fanbase defends him relentlessly since they refuse to educate themselves on anything he spews.