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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023

  • I do not poop at parties. Ever. I am completely traumatized by a house party I went to when I was 18 or 19 where I used the bathroom after someone had dropped a massive deuce and not flushed. So of course I flushed before I went - and the toilet overflowed and I had to run out and find my friends parents in a sea of about a hundred people and tell them what happened.

    You know damned well everyone thought I had done it.

    Never got to poop. Never tried to poop at a party again. I’m 45. I’ll hold it until I die before I go through that again.

  • I’ve given this some thought, because I do seem to get satisfaction out of completing tasks, but no motivation to start them in order to get the finishing satisfaction. Or giving up half way through a task when I’ve lost interest. On the other hand, avoidance leads to adrenaline, and that gets me moving. I think that’s where the neuro compensation lies. Not the lack of satisfaction that the task is complete (although mostly I just feel relief not satisfaction), it’s the adrenaline replacing the dopamine.

  • I feel like that’s a grey area because it’s called salad but only in the context a product with dressing (the mayo). but it’s not really a salad, it’s just called chicken salad the way Kraft dinner isn’t really a dinner but it could be a dinner. I say if it only has chicken and mayo, that’s not a salad, that’s a sandwich filling. If it has celery, onion, etc, you could make the argument it was salad.

  • I got into a convo with a guy from my office about animals - lions and apes specifically. He was super enthusiastic and knew everything, and I was super enthusiastic about discussing all of it. Best convo ever. It took about a half hour before I realized other people were watching us with quite a bit of amusement. Turns out he has autism. I have adhd. No one else found this topic as fascinating as we did.

    Whatever man. I learned a lot about lions and apes (which are completely different thank monkeys thank you very much)